Today’s blog is republished from my friends at TheAlternativeDaily, a leading publisher of daily alternative health tips that I personally read every day…The original article can be found here:
Magnesium is intimately involved in over 600 reactions in the body including the metabolism of food, the transmission of nerve impulses, the synthesis of fatty acids and proteins, muscle movements, gene maintenance and protein formation.
It is one of seven essential macrominerals that must be consumed daily in large amounts — 100 milligrams or more. We store about 25 grams of magnesium in our body with more than 50 percent of this being stored in the skeletal system. The rest goes in the muscles, soft tissues and bodily fluids.
Unfortunately, studies note that about 50 percent of the people in the United States and Europe get far less than the recommended amount of magnesium. It is important to know that magnesium levels in soil are lower than they used to be. Plus, the use of chemicals such as fluoride and chlorine in water make magnesium less available. In addition, daily use of sugar and caffeine also deplete magnesium supplies within the body. In addition, if you live a high-stress life, it is likely that you are magnesium deficient.
A magnesium deficiency can lead to a range of chronic health issues. Just to name a few: calcium deficiency, poor heart health, weakness, anxiety and high blood pressure. You can also add type 2 diabetes, respiratory issues, fatigue, poor memory and confusion to the list.
Health benefits of magnesium
Here is just a sneak peek at some of the amazing benefits of this tiny macromineral and why it is so important to be sure you are getting enough of it.
Blood Sugar Balance
Magnesium helps manage insulin levels in the body and can prevent blood sugar spikes and crashes from occurring. It also plays a large role in blood pressure control, preventing high blood pressure from occurring, especially when combined with enough potassium in the diet. This does two things: controls stress that can elevate insulin levels and improves overall blood pressure that, when out of control, increases insulin resistance and can cause type 2 diabetes to occur more easily.
In one study of over 8,00 people, researchers found that those 65 years old and under with the lowest intake of magnesium had a 22 percent increased risk of developing depression.
In a randomized controlled trial including older adults suffering from depression, a 450-milligram magnesium supplement improved mood just as effectively as an antidepressant drug.
No one likes being anxious. If you find you are frequently in this state, you may want to try increasing your magnesium. Low magnesium levels have been attributed to an increase in anxiety. According to research, a diet low in magnesium changes the types of bacteria present in the gut and alters anxiety-based behavior.
Heart Health
Studies indicate that even having a slightly reduced level of magnesium can cause severe changes in how the heart, blood vessels, blood cells and other tissues function. Magnesium is critical for proper electrical and mechanical functioning within tissues such as nerves and muscles (such as the heart), and blood vessels.
Research has shown that low brain magnesium is evident during a migraine attack. One study found that a regular intake of magnesium reduced the frequency of migraine attacks by just over 41 percent. Another study found that taking a magnesium supplement daily can help prevent menstrual-related migraines.
According to Dr. Carolyn Dean, a magnesium expert and Medical Advisory Board member of the Nutritional Magnesium Association, magnesium could be the answer to a host of premenstrual symptoms. These include such things as mood swings, fluid retention, depression, breast tenderness, headaches, poor sleep and sugar cravings.
Brain Power
Research has shown that mice given extra magnesium had better working memory, long-term memory and a greater ability to learn. According to head researcher Dr. Liu,
“Magnesium is essential for the proper functioning of many tissues in the body, including the brain and, in an earlier study, we demonstrated that magnesium promoted synaptic plasticity in cultured brain cells.”
Signs of magnesium deficiency
Here are just a few signs that you may be magnesium deficient:
Muscle cramps
High blood pressure
Hormone problems
Sleep issues
Low energy
Low vitamin D
Low vitamin K
Good sources of magnesium
Magnesium-rich foods are found abundantly in nature. Try these delicious options:
Spinach is rich in many key nutrients for your health, including magnesium, protein, vitamin E and B vitamins. Raw spinach only has about 78 milligrams of magnesium per cup, but one cup of cooked spinach contains over 760 milligrams! That’s twice the amount from kale and collards, with only Swiss chard beating spinach as the top source from leafy greens.
Pumpkin, sunflower, sesame, chia, hemp and flax seeds are all great sources of magnesium. Seeds are also rich in anti-inflammatory fats and high in protein. Try sprinkling a couple tablespoons of seeds onto salads, add them to a green smoothie, or toss a few in with some berries and organic Greek yogurt for a high protein, magnesium-rich breakfast or snack.
Cocoa and cacao
Raw nibs and cacao powder are incredibly high sources of magnesium, along with dark chocolate and even cocoa powder. While you shouldn’t rely on chocolate alone for your magnesium intake, having a small square of dark or raw chocolate (or a couple tablespoons of cocoa) is certainly an enjoyable way to add more magnesium to your day!
Almonds are high in protein, vitamin E and the highest source of magnesium among all nuts, with cashews being a close second. Almonds contain roughly 76 milligrams per ounce (about 23 nuts), or 15 percent of your daily needs. For the best anti-inflammatory option, choose raw almonds (unroasted) or raw almond butter.
Bananas are often avoided for their high sugar content, but this fruit is actually the best source of magnesium among all common fruits. Bananas are also a great source of vitamin C, potassium, fiber, vitamin B6 and manganese. A medium-sized banana contains 32 milligrams of magnesium.
Your morning cup of java just got a bit more exciting — coffee is the highest source of liquid magnesium you can consume! It’s also higher than any food source — just in case you were wondering. Espresso has a higher magnesium content, but all coffee comes in around 1000 milligrams or more in just one eight-ounce cup. Do keep in mind that calcium from milk and refined sugar can interfere with magnesium absorption, so drink your coffee black. Also use a raw, whole-food sweetener like honey instead of sugar.
Check out this next story below if you want an innovative new way to lose weight:
Carbon-7 is the hitherto undiscovered isotope of Carbon, which has 6 electrons, 6 protons and only one neutron. It is the material equivalent of the Kundalini system as well as Metatron’s cube.
Like iron has the ability of sustaining a magnetic field around it, Carbon-7 has the uncanny ability to carry hyperdimensional fields, such as fields of thought around it. Thus it can amplify thought and other hyperdimensional fields, just as the iron and copper in a transformer can amplify magnetic fields.
Naturally, it is formed in the brains of spiritual adepts, when they have out-of-body experiences or perform other supernatural phenomenon such as bilocation or materialisation etc. During such time the glow or halo that is formed around the heads of these highly evolved beings is actually due to the excess neutrons produced when Carbon-12 transmutes to Carbon-7 inside their brains. However this Carbon-7 quickly decays to other stabler forms of matter. Hence it is almost impossible to detect Carbon-7 directly in the human body.
History and Religion has offered us many clues as to the identity of this most wondrous material through cryptic notations, symbols and enigmatic texts. But it had to veil it in the most puzzling language and symbols since this knowledge in the wrong hands could mean the destruction of this planet. Such is its power!
Recently there was a flurry of concern in the scientific circles regarding the discovery of the sun’s influence on the decay of radioactive elements on earth. It was found that some kind of strange emissions from the sun are causing matter to mutate on earth. Its influence on the decay rates of elements like Carbon-14 has been especially worrisome and unexpected. Carbon, as previously stated, is the basic building block of life as we know it. And Carbon-12 is the most abundant form of carbon accounting for about 99% of all known forms of Carbon. It is the isotope of Carbon that consists of 6 protons, 6 electrons and 6 neutrons. 6-6-6. Does that sound familiar?
After Oxygen, the second most abundant element in the human body is Carbon-12. On cremation, the body returns to its Carbon-12 state. After Hydrogen, Helium and Oxygen, which are all gases, Carbon-12 is the most abundant element in the Universe. Carbon-12 is also one of the five elements that make up the human DNA. Thus Carbon-12 is indeed the most crucial element as far as life as we know today, is concerned. This is probably what the writer of the Revelation meant when he said that 666 was the number of man (or number of the beast). It is the number of Carbon-12, which is the basis of Man’s physical body, which ties him to the physical universe. This is especially significant when we understand what transmutation awaits this Carbon-12, which will bestow Man such superhuman powers that will make every technological advancement till date, completely redundant!
It is extremely difficult to synthesize Carbon-7 in a laboratory, other than in expensive particle accelerators.
In the Kundalini system, this 6-6-1 configuration is represented by the male and female counterparts of the 6 lower chakras and the seventh chakra which is the neutral Sahasraara.
In the period post Disclosure, the Conditioning of Man will take place, during which time the collective mind of Man will undergo a quantum shift to expansiveness. A critical mass of humanity will crossover from an egocentric, material life to an egoless, lovefilled and spiritual life. The sun’s activity during this time will ramp up. The final transmutation that will be effected by the sun, will be the transmutation of the Carbon-12 in human DNA into Carbon-7. This will empower Man to survive the Final Double Cataclysm of the Superflare-Pole Shift and migrate to the higher dimensional New Earth.