The newest virus, ZIKA
Officials say Zika is a virus of African and Asian lineage as reported. They say it originated in Zika,
a city in Uganda in 1947.
It is related to Dengue fever, Yellow fever, West Nile virus, Chikungunya
It is spread by GMO mosquitos, sex, body fluids, mother to unborn fetus.
The signs and symptoms: mild headaches, rash, fever, malaise, conjunctivitis, joint pains, back pain, encephalitis, microcephaly in newborn.
Solution and prevention:
plenty of rest, lots of fluids, pain killer.
No standing water on the ground, on the floor, in containers around the house.
Wear long sleeve shirts, long pants. Use insect repellents and mosquito nets.
CDC (center for disease control) says postpone travel plans, postpone getting pregnant for a while.
Picture of Babies born to mothers who got infected with Zika virus.
Manman ti moun sa yo te enfekte ak virus Zika
ZIKA, yon nouvo viris kap boulvèsé mond lan kounyé a.
Ofisyel yo di maladi Zika sòti nan zòn Afrik ak Azi, nan yon vil ki rele Zika an dédan Uganda an 1947
Daprè ofisyèl yo, sé yon viris ki sòti nan menm fanmi ak fièv Dengue, fièv jònn, West Nile virus, Chikungunya. Ou ka trapé maladi sa a nan fo moustik, nan fè sex, nan likid kò, manman ki ansent ka pasé l bay bébé a.
Siy ak sentòm Zika:
Tèt fè mal, doulè nan jwenti, doulè dèyè zyé, fièv, kò krazé, konjonktivit, doulè nan do, anséfalit, mikwoséfali.
Foto ti moun sa yo espliké pi byen éfè maladi sa a genyen sou moun.
Solisyon ak prevansyon:
Anpil repo, bwè anpil dlo, jéré doulè a.
Pa kité dlo anpilé nan véso, nan bokit-po-dwoum-atè etc……
Mété chémiz manch long, pantalon long.
Pasé krèm ak lwil pou pousé moustik yo lwen w
Kouvri kabann yo ak moustikè lè w ap dòmi
Center Disease Control(CDC) rékòmandé mwens vwayaj, épi pou fanm yo évité ansent.
Sources: AUR
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