Used by Vikings for millennia, this is the "uplifting" secret
to a long life full of mind-blowing sex
to a long life full of mind-blowing sex
By using this ancient Viking secret, you can electrify your
bedroom by supporting your whole health
bedroom by supporting your whole health
"I wake up almost every morning with an erection," — A.P.
Dear Reader,
Hi, I’m Dr. Geo Espinosa.
Do you ever wish you could still "perform" like you could when you were younger?
Do you ever find yourself "willing" but "unable?"
With what you'll learn in this presentation, you’ll NEVER have to make excuses for your advanced years...
Instead, you can GET BETTER WITH AGE.
You see, I've designed a new super-supplement geared toward helping you perform better in the bedroom, naturally and safely.
This supplement is powered by a Viking wonder-herb that has been clinically shown to help 74% of men restore their lost vigor.
I’ll tell you more about that Viking wonder-drug, but first let's see what this supplement is already doing for men.
This powerful supplement has been helping men unleash their inner Viking for over two years.
And I achieve these goals naturally, without dangerous side effects.
Best yet, this supplement treats male sexual health by treating the underlying issues, unlike some other "quick-fix" treatments out there...
You see, I don't treat penises; I treat men.
You are not a wind-up toy. You are a whole person and should be treated as such.
When you ignore the underlying causes, you could be ignoring serious health concerns.
Poor sexual health can be caused by things like stress fatigue, lack of circulation, plaque formations, and poor arterial health.
My "Viking Sex Formula" supports most of these underlying problems.
Plus, when you work to repair the problem rather than just covering it up, you will see benefits to your whole body... things like increased endurance, reduced stress, and protection against aging.
By focusing on repairing the underlying causes, you can take control of your sexual health.
And that's all on top of avoiding annoying or even dangerous side effects.
Check out just a few of the sexual benefits this super-supplement can give you:
- Firm, long-lasting erections
- Huge libido boosts
- Intensely powerful orgasms
But don't just take my word for it...
Take a look at what one person using this "Viking Sex Formula" had to say...
I have been taking [it] for about 1 year. Since I started taking it, I have noticed increased energy levels... I also noticed that I wake up almost every morning (6 out of 7 days/week) with an erection. This hasn’t happened so regularly since my mid-twenties. I am now 47.
I have been taking supplements for many years and [the "Viking Sex Formula"] works the best for me without any side effects. It makes me feel healthier. —A.P. in New York
And here's another...
There are plenty of sexual health products on the market and most have the same problem: they are not backed by legitimate studies and research.
I have looked at all the research and I highly recommend Dr. Geo’s product, especially knowing that he formulated it for men facing far more serious problems than me.
It simply works. Well done! —C.C. in California
And those are just a couple of the men we've helped with this super-supplement.
Now, here's the thing: This supplement isn't for people looking for a quick fix. The natural medicines we use are very powerful, but they take about a week to build in the body.
But what's a week to revitalize your entire life?
The Ancient Viking Secret to Better Sex
Scandinavia, the Viking’s homeland, is not a very hospitable place.
Winters are wet, windy, and brutally cold.
In order to thrive in their unfriendly climate, the Vikings sought help from an ancient wonder-herb that increased their stamina and strength...
Stories about the positive effects of this powerful herbal medicine reached far and wide...
In fact, the first mention of this plant comes in De Materia Medica, an ancient encyclopedia of herbs and medicines, written between 50-70 AD.
Chinese emperors would send exploration teams out to the unfriendly Siberian climate, where it also grows, to gather as much of the plant as possible.
For millennia, Siberians have revered this plant as a “gift of the spirits,” and to this daythe plant is given to newlyweds to ensure the birth of many healthy children.
Such is the virile power of this plant...
Live 24% Longer, Beat Depression,
and Increase Your Sexual Potency
and Increase Your Sexual Potency
Science backs up the ancient wisdom.
In 1931, Russian botanist and nutritionist Dr. L. Utkin discovered that the Vikings’ miracle herb improved sexual potency.
Another study done in 1987 found it substantially helped 74% of men restore lost sexual performance.
And according to Richard P. Brown, MD, associate professor of clinical psychiatry at Columbia University, this herb has the ability to boost libido and may even help premature ejaculation.
This ancient drug, a powerful antioxidant, has also been clinically shown to increase mental performance and significantly alleviate moderate depression. A 2004 study also showed improved endurance during exercise.
And there may be something to the ancient Siberian saying, "Those who drink [Viking] tea will live more than 100 years old."
You see, this herb has been found to increase the lifespan of fruit flies by an average of 24%.
Now, they haven’t tried the studies with humans yet, but consider the fact that we share an astonishing 75% of our disease genes with fruit flies.
"Potentially, humans — healthy or not — could live longer by consuming this root," said the study’s lead investigator, Mahtab Jafari.
"Nothing quite like this has been observed before."
Now that you know just how powerful this ancient Viking Secret is, let me show you the other four ingredients in my Viking Sex formula...
But first let me share with you why it is so important to have a long-term view when it comes to male sexual health.
In fact, short-term 'solutions' to poor sexual health can present many problems...
A Heart Attack in the Penis
You see, quick-fix, stop gap solutions to male health problems shouldn’t be looked at lightly or taken recreationally.
Headaches and stomach pain are common side effects. These drugs have also been linked to vision and hearing loss.
But scariest of all is the risk of an erection lasting for more than two or three hours, which causes priapism — a heart attack to the penis.
Just check out the story of Jason Garnett...
One morning, he woke up to his usual "morning glory." But that morning, it wouldn’t go away.
The pain and discomfort became so bad that he had to have a friend drive him to the hospital.
More than two pints of blood were drained from his engorged member. In total, the erection lasted 17 hours.
But the situation could have been much worse... If left untreated, priapism can permanently damage your penis.
This is exactly what happened to a 66-year-old named Romeo Polania.
Romeo wanted to impress his new girlfriend, so he took an extra-large dose of a quick-fix solution.
Bad choice.
"I took the medicine on Saturday at seven o’clock at night but by nine I was in so much pain I had to ask my neighbor to take me to the hospital," Romeo said.
By the time the doctors realized what was happening, they found Romeo’s penis to be inflamed, fractured, and showing signs of gangrene.
In order to stop the gangrene from spreading, the doctors had no option but to remove his penis.
Romeo's "quick-fix" had an unexpectedly serious consequence.
Now, that you know how serious these stop gag solutions are, let me show you how my 'Viking Sex Formula' is a better choice.
As Mayo Clinic professor of urology Dr. Ajay Nehra recently told the New York Times,"The medications do not work for about half of the men with ED."
Now that you know how serious prescription ED drugs are, let me show you how my "Viking Sex Formula" is a better choice...
But first, let me introduce myself.
The Doctor Behind the Key to
Better, Longer-Lasting Sex
Better, Longer-Lasting Sex
As I've mentioned, I’m Dr. Geo Espinosa.

I deal with everything from prostate cancer, prostatitis, and erectile dysfunction to chronic penis pain, chronic testicular pain, overactive bladder, and anti-aging.
In addition to my background in urology, I have also closely studied the medicinal properties of plants for over 15 years.
I have such respect and admiration for the healing aspects of plants that after my extensive training in botanical medicine in naturopathic medical school, I decided to go through extra, more focused course work in herbal remedies and become a professional member of the prestigious American Herbalist Guild.
So when I selected the botanicals for my new supplement, I looked at and studied hundreds of different medical studies, herbs, and existing products.
I wanted to make sure I had something effective and unique.
Also, it was crucially important to treat the underlying causes of poor penile health and support all the organ systems related to male sexual health.
You’ll find no quick fixes accompanied by unpleasant or even dangerous side effects here. I want to support and nourish the whole body.
I’ve found this is the very best way to naturally give my patients long-lasting, rock-hard erections.
But when you’re treating the whole body, it takes time.
As a rule of thumb, dietary supplements do not work instantaneously. They also should have systemic benefits and not only improve one area of the body.
So if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
The sexual benefits of this supplement build with time. It’s not event-driven. Clinically, I notice that it takes about a week or so of daily use before users experience satisfactory blood flow to sexual organs.
Understand that there is no shortcut for improving your sexual health and vitality.
Ultimately, "magic in a bottle" treatments have been a source of disappointment and frustration for my patients. That’s why I created this supplement.
Let me share with you a just a few of the stories I’ve heard from my patients...
A 42-year-old patient was having intercourse with his girlfriend after taking a 'quick-fix solution', and although he maintained an erection, he was desensitized and reported that the event was less than enjoyable.
He was into his girlfriend, so lack of chemistry was not the issue.
Another of my patients, a 61-year-old, tried a 'quick-fix' injection and noticed after two hours that he was still erect.
He had to go to the ER for priapism. Fortunately, he ended up okay, but it was an embarrassing and stressful situation — one he wished he could’ve avoided.
These stories are why I partnered with the male health supplement company XY Wellness to help older men restore their lost vitality naturally.
Now that you know why it's better to choose natural, holistic remedies over quick-fix drugs, let's take a closer look at the other four ingredients in this super-supplement.
"Viking Sex Formula" Can Help You
Get Better With Age
Get Better With Age
As I previously told you, I looked at hundreds of different male health supplements and clinical studies to make sure my new supplement would contain only the best, proven ways of treating male sexual health.
Each ingredient is in there for a reason. Check out what this "Viking Sex Formula" offers...
Wonder Ingredient #1: This amino acid is converted by your kidneys into another amino acid called l-arginine.
Many male health supplements use l-arginine, but if you take it directly, most of what you ingest is destroyed by the liver. The amino acid we use, on the other hand, bypasses your liver and is then converted to l-arginine in your blood vessels.
This ingredient is key to supporting nitric oxide levels. Nitric oxide brings blood to the penis for healthy, rock-hard erections.
A 2011 single-blind study found that this ingredient "improves erection hardness in men with mild erectile dysfunction."
Wonder Ingredient #2: This ancient Chinese medicine works by boosting nitric oxide levels and inhibits PDE-5 levels in order to improve sexual endurance. We use the whole plant to give multiple health benefits.
Five different clinical studies have proven this herb's effectiveness. Not only does it help give you firm, dependable erections, but it may also offer significant benefits to your vascular system.
Wonder Ingredient #3: This powerful ingredient is appropriately nicknamed "Tiger Stick." A rich source of resveratrol, this natural antioxidant offers a bounty of age-related benefits. In fact, a 2008 study concluded that "resveratrol has a positive effect on male reproductive function."
Studies show that "Tiger Stick" enhances erection quality, sperm count, and blood testosterone levels.
Wonder Ingredient #4: Our final ingredient is rich in anthocyanin, a powerful flavonoid that promotes arterial health and nitric oxide production.
Controlled trials have shown that this ingredient may be able to facilitate firm erections and enhanced sexual performance.
So now that you know just how effective each and every ingredient in the "Viking Sex Formula" is, let me show you how to get this super-supplement cheaper than anywhereelse.
But first, let's pull back the curtain and take a closer look at this supplement...
Introducing the "Viking Sex Formula"...

Mr. Happy
We decided to call our supplement Mr. Happy because that's what we want: happy patients and happy customers.
And throughout my professional life, I've found that people are only truly happy when they are making healthy choices.
As we've seen, treating penile health with "quick-fix" drugs isn't a healthy choice.
These drugs treat symptoms. We seek to support overall male-health to squash thecauses .
You see, Mr. Happy’s overarching goal is to treat male sexual health by supporting stamina and nourishing blood vessels.
To do this, Mr. Happy boosts both your nitric oxide and antioxidant levels.
Why both?
Nitric oxide effectively dilates your blood vessels, but free radicals decrease your nitric oxide levels.
Mr. Happy delivers the antioxidants needed to combat these free radicals while simultaneously boosting your nitric oxide levels.
The net result better supports the healthy dilation of blood vessels that is necessary togive your penis the flow it needs to achieve and maintain a healthy erection.
Like I said before, we aren’t interested in using "band-aids" to cover up serious problems. We believe in a balanced, holistic approach to maintaining sexual health.
Diet, exercise, stress management, sleep improvement, and the boost from the nutrients that comprise the Mr. Happy formula all work together to give you an advantage over other men your age.
This combination gives you the ability to "turn back the clock" and embrace the potential for fun and adventure that surrounds you each day.
And as we've seen, Mr. Happy has already been helping men restore their lost vigor.
We've received uniformly positive feedback from Mr. Happy.
Users report increased libido, stamina, and intensity of orgasm. All from a safe and natural supplement.
In fact, since the very beginning, we've offered a 30-day money-back guarantee on Mr. Happy. To this day, no one has returned a single bottle.
I bet by now you're wondering where you can find this super-supplement.
So, let me share with you a special, limited-time deal for Health Wire readers.
You see, I'm so confidant in Mr. Happy's ability to help any man over the age of 40 that I want to get as many bottles in the hands of men as possible.
So for a limited time, we're reducing the price of Mr. Happy to just $49 per bottle.
That's only 80 cents per pill.
Prescription drugs can cost as much as $40 per pill!
And remember, in addition to ignoring underlying causes, they don't even work on half of all men!
But it gets even better...
We're also offering a special low price on our four-month "cube" of Mr. Happy.
This is one of my favorite choices for new customers.
Like I said before, Mr. Happy takes time to build in the system. That's why we recommend users take a "loading dose" in the first week or so of using Mr. Happy.
I promise you, after you've gone through the "loading" period and see just how uplifting and energizing Mr. Happy is, you won't regret it.
In fact, I'm willing to bet that you'll regret not picking up "the cube."
What's the "cube?"
The cube is the cheapest way to holistically treat penile health.
With four bottles for just $179, that's an absurdly low 75 cents per pill.
Remember, prescription drugs can cost as much as $40 per pill.
You won't find better prices anywhere else.
But these prices won't last...
You see, our mission is to get Mr. Happy into the hands of as many men as possible.
We're willing to risk our accountant's ire when he sees these low prices...
Because it is our mission to help as many men as possible.
So don't delay...
We can only offer a limited number of bottles at these low prices.
If you wait, you could miss out on the deal of a lifetime.
This is your chance to holistically treat your sexual health... and your chance to revitalize your entire health.
All for just a fraction of what you'd pay for traditional, quick-fix treatments.

Dr. Geo Espinosa, N.D., L.Ac, C.N.S.
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