(May 2012)
Naprapathic Medicine is a system of health care that employs manual medicine, nutritional counseling and therapeutic modalities, specializing in the treatment of pain caused by connective tissue disorders.
Connective tissue supports and contains the structures of the entire body, including the spinal column, surrounding muscles, joints and all articulations of the body. It includes ligaments, tendons, fascia, inter-vertebral discs, and cartilage.
A connective tissue disorder as treated by Naprapathic care can be characterized by abnormally rigid and/or contracted (strained) ligaments, tendons and related muscles. Disorders such as these may create interference with the nerve pathways, in addition to impeding circulation of blood and lymph. When this occurs, it can often result in pain and inflammation to the affected area of the body.
Connective tissue disorders can be genetic but most are caused as a result of a specific incident or activity. Common causes of connective tissue disorders include traumatic injury such as a car accident, sports injuries, falls, repetitive motion syndromes related to computer or machine use, heavy lifting and improper posture.
Doctors of Naprapathic Medicine often use a three-fold approach in the treatment of connective tissue disorders which includes manual medicine, nutritional counseling, and therapeutic modalities.
1. Naprapathic Manual Medicine involves hands-on (gentle) connective tissue manipulation to the spine, joints and articulations of the body.
2. Nutritional Counseling can include recommendations for dietary changes, food supplementation (as through the use of herbs, vitamins and minerals) to assist the body in achieving optimal health. The Raby Institute has several providers who specialize in the areas of nutrition, diet and the use of herbs, vitamins and minerals who can develop a plan to work to complement and work in conjunction with the naprapathic treatments to maximize healing.
3. Therapeutic Modalities: The use of the effective properties of physical measures of heat, cold, light, water, radiant energy, electricity, sound, air and assistive devices for the purpose of preventing, correcting or alleviating a physical disability. Modalities may include ultrasound, electric stimulation and/or photobiostimulation (also known as low-level laser or cold laser therapy).
Some common musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders successfully treated through Naprapathic Medicine include:
Back Pain Tension Headaches
Neck Pain Migraine Headaches
Hip Pain Disc Herniation
Leg Pain Tennis Elbow
Sciatica Golfer's Elbow
Shoulder Pain Neuropathy
Rotator Cuff Injuries Strains
Sprains Knee pain
Chronic fatigue syndrome Arthritis
Plantar fasciitis Bursitis
Naprapathic treatments are often integrated into the overall treatment plan for a patient and used with other medical approaches. The benefits of a Naprapathic treatments are many and can include pain relief, structural corrections, and an overall sense of well-being.
To schedule an appointment with Dr. Michael Venice or to learn more about the Raby Institute’s services call 312-276-1212 or visit our website at www.RabyIntegrativeMedicine.com
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