The ‘New World Order’ for Dummies
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
Understanding Your *Future Under the Fascist Regime
“An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity” ~ Martin Luther King, Jr.
Many things have been written by researchers and authors on an oppressive global regime which is now unfolding in front of our eyes. As the result of their work, many more have awakened to the sinister agenda created and implemented by the powers that be. This agenda has many faces and many names, not all of which might be known to you.
What do you think of when you hear about the New World Order?
At the first glance you might think of a conspiracy theory, an expected reaction conditioned by institutional and media influences.
However, a deeper look towards the subject would help you move through skepticism, and make you realize that the consequences of remaining silent are far greater than the consequences of speaking up against it, since there is nothing worse than living under a global fascist regime, which this time around will be on steroids. By researching the subject in depth, you will begin to see the gathering of dark clouds, naturally predicting the coming storm of oppression.
The societal move towards global poverty driven by the artificial scarcity and an obsession to control the people will not be hidden from you. You will recognize the resurrection of the old totalitarian regimes in which there is no place for personal freedom. You will see the arms of the evil octopus wearing the masks of Agenda 21, Eugenics and Transhumanism, to name just a few. These are the code names and different faces of the same agenda – to harness humanity.
I hope to inspire you to look into the subject yourself but in the meantime, I would like to offer you my synopsis which could help you start to understand what the New World Order means to you.
New World Order for Dummies
In any totalitarian system of control, there is zero tolerance for individuality, spirituality, self-expression, creativity and other forms of self-empowerment. It doesn’t even take a spiritual realization, of one being a cosmic consciousness that was fortunate to receive human body to experience life and spiritually grow through it. All it takes to resist any form of tyranny and enslavement is human dignity and love for freedom. Carrying goodness at heart, such a person would recognize a manifestation of evil when he or she sees one. Anything which would limit and restrict freedom of speech, freedom of expression, freedom of exploring one’s own mind and other natural freedoms with which each person is born into this world, would appear to him or her as a harmful and negative influence, and seen as disease which must be cured.
To learn more, check out the article The Great Unsaid: What 1984 Can Teach Us About 2014.
Accepting tyranny on one’s soul would be same as accepting cancer on one’s body. Both must be resisted since both are deadly. Understanding that would be enough to wake up to one’s humanness, defending the right to exist and enjoy a healthy social and natural environment, both of which are now under attack.
If the current trend develops, we will quickly find our lives being diminished to a biological existence similar to that of an ant; a daily race in the search of the food under the constant threat of being smashed by the boot of tyranny.
So what is the New World Order?
Well, in reality it’s the same old world order – a merger of corporate power and state, but this time around, scientifically and technologically enhanced. It is the same old system of control run by the golden rule – those who have the gold, rule.
NWO is a Hitlerian dream coming true, turning our lives into a nightmare.
I could offer you an abundance of material both found in writing and shown in films, and make references to quotes on the subject coming from the heights of the echelons of power, all which would make you disbelieve your eyes. But instead I would encourage you to do your own research and at your pace, gradually raising your awareness.
Meanwhile, I would like to recommend to you a film made by Max Igan, a friend of mine from Australia.
The Calling – by Max Igan
About the author:
Born in 1976 in the Soviet Union, Sergey Baranov lived in different countries before moving to his present home in Peru.
Sergey is an author and a political observer who contributes his time to exposing injustice, corporate greed and government corruption seen rampant these days worldwide. He is convinced that by raising awareness over important issues such as destruction of the planet and loss of personal freedom, true change can be brought into the world. He also believes that through the connection with Nature humanity is capable of waking up to its humanness and defend the right to exist and enjoy a healthy social and natural environment, the birthright of each human being.
Sergey’s involvement in politics has come out of necessity not desire. He would much rather spend his time writing about the nature of reality, spirituality and other subjects dear to his heart. However, realizing the interconnectedness of the whole life on Earth, he thinks it would be irresponsible to ignore these issues and sees Wake Up World as an avenue to express his political views which have now become a part of his life.
You can learn more about Sergey in his book “Path”, available here on Amazon, or follow Sergey via
Recommended reading by Sergey Baranov:
- The Business of War is the Cause of War
- Psychedelic Spirituality
- Government Is Not Your Friend – It’s Your Employee
- Living In A Dying World
- Why Consciousness Expanding Plants Are Feared And Deemed Illegal
- The ‘New World Order’ For Dummies
- STOP! Nuclear War Ahead
- From RoboCop to RoboBees – Is This The World You Want To See?
- Precious Metals vs. Precious Life: Destruction Of The Amazon
- What Will It Take To Bring About Real Change?
- Internet Freedom? How Government Attempts to Subvert Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Press
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