Pre-vent and Knock Out Colds and Flu Naturally
Posted on July 03, 2017 by Don Tolman | 1 comment

How do you avoid the winter blues and prevent or knock out colds n' flu naturally?
The first thing to realise is that, every house has a 'flu'!
Particularly at winter time, this is an analogy I like to draw between your house and body (or 'abode', which is where the word 'house' comes from).
If your house has a fireplace, it relies on its chimney (flu) to 'vent' or release the build up of smoke and toxic, harmful air.
In the same way, your body relies on 'venting' to pre-vent the build up of toxic or viral overwhelm internally - that will otherwise cause the cold, flu or some other type of discomfort or dis-ease.
Signs that you are suffering from a cold or flu include fever, chills, congestion, ear, headand body aches and respiratory infection.
And the first thing to realise is that 'the flu' is no mystery! It's your body's response to a greater chaos that is going on inside.
When this occurs, you have one of two important choices to make:
- Fight 'fire with fire' by 'killing your body's cure' which is what happens when you run to the Doctor for a prescription medication, antibiotics or to your local pharmacy for some over the counter drug, OR;
- Allow the autogenic self-healing system of your body to do its work by supportingyour body's avenues of release!
So what causes the chaos?
People tend to get the flu in winter because their immune systems are depleted from a combination of heavier diets and a lack of exercise, fresh fruits, water, sunshine and greater exposure to stale and stagnant air.
But the number 1 cause is pustulant fermentation that occurs when you overwhelm the digestive system with a toxic mix of dead animals (meat) and processed sugars, sweets and deserts. That's why in the northern hemisphere, celebratory events like Thanksgiving and Christmas where 'feasting' is the norm, tend to coincide with flu pandemics.
In winter when people usually eat more for comfort, there is typically not enough high water content plant foods in the diet to speed up the digestive 'transit time' of this potent combination.
When this occurs, a process known as 'cadaverine chemistry' begins to take place in the intestines whereby the meat begins to rot/ferment inside of you, amplifying the chaos.
Think twice and do your homework before suppressing symptoms or going in for a flu shotbecause they ADD to the toxic debris in your body and whilst you think they may help you in the short term, they'll cause greater problems for your health down the road.
If you choose the path of self care, here's some common sense tips to prevent and beat the cold n' flu winter blues:
- Avoid processed sugar and minimise your consumption of meat;
- Eat more vegetable-based brothy soups, tomato-based soups and stews and cook with lots of garlic, onions and legumes;
- Kick up your intake of nature-made salt which helps to knock out infections and viral overwhelm in the body;
- Start your day with a fresh squeezed fruit and vegetable juice OR an elixir/shot of lemon juice, cold water and a pinch of sea salt before you eat or drink anything else;
- Eat more citrus and immune-boosting Vitamin C rich fruits like oranges, tangerines, grapefruit and pineapple;
- Drink 2-4 litres of filtered water each day;
- Get 20-30 minutes sunshine each day if you can and walk 30-45 minutes each day;
- Allow fresh air to circulate in your home so that the air is not stagnant when you sleep at night (put on another blanket and leave a window slightly open when you go to bed);
- Stop taking supplements and try to reduce any medications.
Clear Congestion
For a stuffy nose, using natural salts diluted in water are safer and better than oral decongestants and other drugs. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a pint of water, and then use a nose dropper to drop it in your nose. Gently blow your nose on a tissue.
Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a humidifier to soothe breathing congestion and night when you go to bed.
For fevers, soak for 20-30 minutes in a hot bath salts mix of epsom salt, sea salts and essential oils each day until the fever is gone;
I’ve created my own natural Winter Decongestant Pack, including Congest Ease, Breathe EZ Nasal Decongestant Spray and Pure Eucalyptus Essential Oil. This trio works wonders relieving nasal and sinus congestion, with their powerful natural ingredients such as dendritic sea salt, plant butters, menthol, peppermint and other ‘bug-beating’ pure Essential Oils - Tea Tree and Eucalyptus.
Oh, and hot Mexican or Indian foods are great congestion busters! Have a bowl of vegetarian chilli or other spicy foods containing horseradish, hot pepper sauce, hot mustard or curry. As a rule of thumb, if it makes your eyes water, it will also make your nose run, which clears it up.
Relieve Coughs
Pineapple juice has vitamin C like its citrus cousins but also contains ‘Bromelain', which helps suppress coughs and loosens the mucus that often accompanies colds.
Studies have found Bromelain is effective in treating upper respiratory conditions and acute sinusitis. Take advantage of the tasty and soothing powers of pineapple and try making your own natural cough syrup. Combine eight ounces of warm pineapple juice and two teaspoons of honey, and sip for soothing relief.
Soothe a Sore Throat
Suck on small chunks of Himalayan Salt several times a day and sip on water.
Garlic is also a renowned remedy for colds and sore throats. If you can handle it, crunch a clove of garlic in the mouth for at least 15 minutes and then swallow it.
My Internal House Cleanse throat spray is both anti-viral and anti-bacterial, combining ingestible food-grade Colloidal Silver, Fulvic Acid, Tea Tree and Oregano Oils to both soothe and speed up the healing process. Place half a dropper full into the back of the throat, gargle and swish for a few seconds, then swallow. Repeat 5-10 times a day until symptoms subside.
For general immune-system boosting (where no throat inflammation is a concern), this mix is also available without the soothing essential oils which I call, Nature's Silver Bullet, combining Colloidal Silver and Fulvic Acid only.
Remember, the flu is not a mystery. It's your body's response to a greater chaos that is going on inside of you.
Pre-vent the flu or support your body's natural 'venting' process, by learning to be your own "Farmacist".
In my mind, it's a more common-sense approach than suppressing symptoms, fighting fire with fire and ultimately adding to the chaos in your body which will only lead to further health problems down the road.
'Cowboy' Don.
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