The Law and You: How the Birth Certificate is Used to Take Away
Your Natural Rights

June 29th, 2017
By Pao L. Chang
Guest writer for Wake Up World
In this informative video, Bill Turner explains how the beings controlling the legal system enslave you shortly after your mother gave birth to you. Shortly after you were born, your parents signed a birth certificate with a legal name associated to you. When they did this, they registered you to the corporate government, allowing its employees to create a trust under your legal name, turning you into a corporate slave to be used in commerce.
In my book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words, I said that a birth certificate is actually a death certificate. Bill confirms this by saying that the Births, Deaths, Marriages, and Relationships Registration Act 1995 defines the word birth using these exact words: “includes a still-birth”. Here is a screenshot of the interpretation section of that registration act:
In the legal system, when the word include is used in an interpretation or definition, it excludeseverything else that is not in that interpretation or definition. In other words, the phrase “includes a still-birth” means that it only includes a still-birth and nothing else. The “product” of a still-birth is a still-born child, which is a child incapable of living or dead. Therefore, the hidden meaning of a birth certificate is a certificate of a dead child or a death certificate.
By agreeing to sign a birth certificate/death certificate, your parents have agreed to turn you into a still-born child/dead child. A dead child does not have natural rights and cannot own property. This is why the government can take away your property and punish you for not paying taxes. If you want to understand the information in this article at a very deep level, take action now to read my book titled Word Magic: The Powers & Occult Definitions of Words.
In the following video, Bill also explains why the Bible is a book full of laws. Furthermore, he reveals why lawyers wrote the “law” of the legal system in a way that is confusing to people who are not lawyers. One of the reasons why they did this is to discourage you to learn about the law and your rights. When you study the law deeply enough, you will know how to defend your rights, allowing you to free yourself from their legal system.
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