The 5 Most Important Tests for TRUE Breast Cancer Prevention
One of the most often asked questions from my community is, “Other than mammograms, are there other tests that you recommend that supports TRUE prevention and very early detection for breast cancer?” In this blog, I will discuss the 5 most important tests for real breast cancer prevention?
The 5 Tests for Every Woman
First and foremost, do not guess when it comes to your health! I encourage you to work with an integrative functional doctor, naturopath or Chiropractor or with one of our 7 Essentials Certified Coaches who can walk you through the 7 Essentials System ™ for breast health.
That being said, although there are many other tests that can be used to support breast health, here are 5 specific tests that I personally use to monitor my health.
#1 Thermography

First, let’s talk about what many experts say is the “gold standard” of alternative breast cancer screening technologies:thermography or Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging (DITI). No single tool can be 100% accurate, but I believe that thermography is one of the best non-invasive tests for very early detection. DITI demonstrates areas of heat in the breast area that can indicate inflammation and unhealthy hormonal patterns. Although DITI cannot diagnose cancer, it may detect the presence of breast cancer tumors 5 to eight years before a mammogram can.
According to the American Cancer Society, it may take up to 5-8 years for a tumor to be visible on a mammogram.
I recommend that most women on a healthy breast program get a thermography screening on a year basis. Contact the American College of Clinical Thermology for more information.
#2 Vitamin D
Vitamin D can “activate or deactivate” genes that will then have an effect on dozens of functions, including nutrient absorption, cell proliferation, and cancer growth or suppression. Most Americans suffer from low Vitamin D levels because of sedentary indoor lifestyles and poor diets.
The Canadian Cancer Society became inspired by a study that discovered a 60% reduction in cancer with the use of Vitamin D and now endorses the use of D in their country for preventing cancer. Don’t guess when it comes to YOUR levels. A simple blood test or finger prick can measure your Vitamin D levels to let you know if you are deficient.
#3 Iodine

Iodine is “food” for the endocrine and reproductive systems, especially the thyroid. Unfortunately, certain chemical toxins such as fluoride and bromide block iodine absorption in the body. When this blockage happens, the receptors in the mammary area and in the thyroid area must “compete” for limited supplies. Lack of iodine may lead to breast cancer and other cancers because all glandular tissues (thyroid, breasts, ovaries, prostate and colon) rely onhealthy amounts of iodine to function properly. For these reasons, I would encourage you to have your iodine levels checked with a simple 24 hour urine test. For more information on an easy, at-home urine test that checks for iodine, fluoride and bromide levels, clickHERE.
#4 Estrogen Methylation
Methylation is a process where hormones are metabolized and then broken down into other vital substances. Estrogen, for example, if properly methylated, should be broken down into the protective types of estrogens in the blood.
Poor methylation and liver clearance of the more aggressive estrogens, may be a contributing factor in the development of breast cancer, so taking positive measures to support this process is very important.
Your Estrogen Methylation pathways can be measured by a simple urine test. To learn more about estrogen methylation and how it may be affecting your health, please read this blog.
#5 Oncoblot
Finally, for those of you who specifically want to know IF and WHERE you may have cancer, the Oncoblot test may be right for you. This test checks for ENOX2, a protein that is secreted ONLY by cancer cells. It is truly one of a kind and is said to have a 99% accuracy rate for discovering cancer tumors that are smaller than a pinhead. You can find out more about Oncoblot here.
So there you have it—the 5 most important tests for early breast cancer prevention! Practice true prevention by taking advantage of the technology that exists that can help you put a safe and effective healthy breast protocol into place.
Dr. Veronique Desaulniers, better known as Dr. V, is the founder of The 7 Essentials System ™, a step-by-step guide that teaches you exactly how to prevent and heal Breast Cancer Naturally. To get your F.R.E.E. 7 day mini e-course, and to receive her weekly action steps and inspiring articles on the power of Natural Medicine, visit
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