Revelation of the 8 Most Nutrient Dense Superfoods on Earth…
The nutritional properties of each of these antioxidant-rich powerhouses could fill an entire book. Every single one of them has been shown to single-handedly deliver powerful healthy aging benefits — but when combined, they produce a spectacular, synergistic boost to your overall health and well-being… like adding rocket-fuel to your car’s gas tank!
Superfood #1: Goji Berry – The “Longevity Fruit”

The goji berry, or wolfberry, is a tangy, sweet fruit that comes from an evergreen shrub found in China, Mongolia, and the Himalayas in Tibet. For over 6,000 years, goji berries have been used therapeutically and have been prescribed by herbalists in China, Tibet, and India to promote longevity, reverse aging, inhibit cancer growth, and provide a multitude of other extraordinary healing benefits.
In Asia, goji berries are regarded as the “longevity fruit” – and are believed to be the health secret of Master Li Ching-Yuen, a Chinese herbalist, martial artist, and former university professor, who had the longest recorded lifespan in history. He reportedly lived to the age of 256 (1677-1933), and his long life has been attributed to goji berries, which were a staple in his daily diet. In the Ningxia Hui region of Northern China – where goji berries are grown and eaten daily – there are 16 times as many centenarians (people 100 years old or older) as there are in the rest of the country.
Preliminary research also shows that this little red berry is a superstar at stimulating stem cells, strengthening the immune system, and defending the body against disease. Chinese researchers discovered that when goji berries were used as a dietary supplement older people grew younger!
A 3-year clinical study investigating the effects of the goji berry on the immune, psychological, and biochemical indexes of blood showed that the goji berry caused the blood of the older subjects to revert to a younger state!
Studies also suggest that goji berries have the ability to:
- Regulate blood sugar and cholesterol levels
- Retard abnormal cell growth
- Support normal liver and kidney function
- Improve eyesight and protect against macular degeneration and cataracts
- Enhance libido and improve fertility
- Support improved circulation
- Boost brain health and protect against age-related diseases
Superfood #2: Chlorella – The World’s Greatest Healthy Aging Food!

Chlorella is a single-celled, water-grown alga that contains more health-enhancing chlorophyll per gram than any other plant. It is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids, and many other nutrients that are beneficial to your health.
Chlorella also has an abundance of nucleic acids, which have powerful rejuvenating properties that regulate the aging process. Chlorella supports youthful looking and wrinkle-free skin, and helps you have a longer potential lifespan.
Dr. Benjamin S. Frank, author of The No-Aging Diet and Nucleic Acid Therapy in Aging and Degenerative Disease, treated his patients with foods rich in nucleic acids, and reported that such a diet helped his patient’s look and feel 6 to 12 years younger than their chronological age, and their overall health dramatically improved. They also experienced a substantial fading of the look and feel of lines and wrinkles, and developed healthier, younger-looking skin after only 2 months.
To benefit from chlorella in supplement form it must be raw, organic, “broken cell wall chlorella” — the most beneficial kind of chlorella. This means that the cellulose cell walls of chlorella have been pulverized or broken down, thereby making it bioavailable… or able to be easily absorbed and used by the body… giving it the power to deliver superior health benefits.
Superfood #3: Moringa – The “Miracle Tree” of Cell Rejuvenation and The Enemy of Abnormal Cell Growth

The moringa is a genus of trees indigenous to Southern India and Northern Africa, and is now cultivated in Central and South America, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, and the Philippines. The leaves of the species called moringa oleifera, have become recognized in recent years as being highly beneficial to human health.
Moringa leaves are a healthy aging powerhouse because they contain several thousand times more of the powerful nutrient zeatin than any other known plant. A study published in Rejuvenation Research shows that the undeniable youth-preserving effects of zeatin are due to its ability to regulate cell division and growth, and delay cell aging. With the zeatin contained in moringa, new skin cells grow at a faster rate than old skin cells die. This results in a marked reduction of the look and feel of wrinkles on the face and other parts of the body, and a more youthful skin appearance.
Moringa leaves also have 90 essential nutrients and 2 compounds that have been shown to regulate abnormal cell growth (or a retardation of their growth). This has earned moringa the reputation of being a plant that supports health. India’s traditional natural Ayurvedic medicine currently uses moringa leaves as a tonic for over 300 diseases.
A Bureau of Plant Industry report states that, gram per gram, moringa leaves contain: twice the protein content of 8 ounces of milk (and 4 times the calcium); the vitamin C equivalent of 7 oranges; the potassium content of 3 bananas; 3 times the iron of spinach; and 4 times the vitamin A of carrots.
Superfood #4: Spirulina – The Most Nutrient-Dense Food on the Planet!

Spirulina is a blue-green algae considered to be the most nutrient-dense food on the planet.
Because spirulina’s nutrient profile is more potent than that of any other food, plant, grain, or herb, it is considered a superior whole food alternative to isolated vitamin supplements. In addition to its contribution to the body’s nutritional needs, it has been shown to support beneficial outcomes associated with:
- cancer (abnormal cell growth)
- allergies
- high cholesterol
- anemia
- elevated blood sugar
- viral infections
- cardiovascular diseases (heart concerns)
- liver damage (problems)
- inflammatory conditions
- and immunodeficiency diseases (immune concerns)
Of course, no food, including spirulina, can treat any of these conditions, but good nutrition can offer support for good health and healing.
Spirulina is the best source of vegetable protein, containing about 65% protein – higher than any other natural food – far more than animal flesh (20%), eggs (12%), whole milk (3%), soybeans (35%), peanuts (25%), or grains (8 to 14%). It is considered a complete protein because it contains all the essential amino acids, which are the amino acids the body cannot make but must ingest.
Spirulina also contains extraordinary concentrations of vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients, such as beta carotene (10 times more concentrated than that of carrots), iron, potassium, magnesium, copper, calcium, chromium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, essential trace minerals, and gamma-linolenic acid. It is also the most abundant source of vitamin B-12 and is rich in phytonutrients and functional nutrients that have a demonstrably positive effect on health.
Superfood #5: Cacao – The No. 1 Longevity Food

Cacao comes from raw cacao seeds, the product of a fruit grown on the cacao tree (theobroma cacao), which grows naturally in the shade of tropical rainforests in South America and the West Indies.
Cocoa, a component of chocolate, is derived from cacao, which many researchers dub as “one of nature’s most fantastic superfoods.” Here are just a few of cacao’s far-reaching health benefits:
- Increases blood flow to the brain and enhances brain function.
- Cacao is the 1 source of magnesium of any food. Magnesium balances brain chemistry, builds strong bones, helps regulate heartbeat and blood pressure, helps prevent constipation, and eases minor menstrual cramps.
- Cacao beans contain certain compounds that can trigger weight loss, make you feel good, and improve your mood considerably.
- Cacao has more antioxidant flavonoids than any food tested so far — more than blueberries, red wine, and black and green teas.
- Serotonin – Cacao raises the level of serotonin in the brain, thereby helping to regulate mood, alleviate PMS discomfort, and promote a sense of well-being.
- Endorphins – Cacao stimulates the secretion of endorphins, producing a pleasurable sensation similar to the “runner’s high” a jogger feels after running several miles.
- Sulfur – Cacao is high in the beauty mineral sulfur. Sulfur builds strong nails and hair, promotes beautiful skin, detoxifies the liver, and supports healthy pancreas functioning.
The key to gaining the most benefit from the world’s No. 1 longevity food is to choose cacao that is organic, raw, and cold-processed..
Superfood #6: Turmeric – Strong ORGANIC antioxidant qualities
Turmeric is a herbaceous plant of the ginger family, native to Asia.
A study was published by, The Archives of Plants magazine, finding that turmeric can give immense relief to skin conditions due to its anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial action.
It is very useful as a seasoning, and there are also many benefits that can be useful for health:
- Turmeric helps relieve inflamed joints and arthritic pain. It is rich in a substance called curcumin, which makes the plant more effective than several remedies for arthritis.
- Turmeric aids with digestion. Several symptoms can harm the stomach like flatulence, gas, nausea, digestive problems and among others.
- Turmeric has strong antioxidant qualities. Curcumin, being rich in antioxidants, can expel free radicals from the body.
Superfood #7: Camu-Camu –Superfruit with 600 Times More Vit C Than Oranges!

Camu camu is a bush that grows in the black water rivers of the South American Amazon rainforest. Its purplish red berries are a rich source of antioxidants and powerful phytochemicals that support and enhance health.
Camu camu berries contain the highest amount of vitamin C of any botanical source — 30 to 60 times more than a fresh orange. But when they are dried and reduced to powder form they deliver 600 times more vitamin C than oranges! This amount of vitamin C provides extraordinary immune system support and enhances mental health.
The berries also contain beneficial phytochemicals, such as leucine, serine, and valine, as well as significant levels of beta carotene, calcium, iron, potassium, niacin, phosphorus, riboflavin, and thiamine — all of which provide these nutritional and therapeutic benefits:
- Regulates soreness considerably
- Supports healthy respiratory function (helps keep your lungs healthy)
- Maintains healthy skin, hair, and nails
- Helps support vibrant eyesight
- Strengthens tendons and ligaments
- Helps to keep organs such as the eyes, brain, heart, skin, and liver in good working condition
Dr. James Duke, Ph.D., the retired chief botanist for 30 years with the USDA (and author of several books on botanical medicine, including The Green Pharmacy) conducted an extensive study of hundreds of botanicals. He concluded that camu camu is one of the most outstanding natural mood support nutrients, and ranked it the No. 1 Natural Remedy for many traditional ailments.
Superfood #8: Acai – Most Antioxidant-Rich Superfood in the World!

The acai berry (Euterpe Oleracea), the fruit of the Acai Palm tree which grows in the flood plains of the Amazon in Brazil, is a small, black-purple berry that is considered by many to be one of the world’s most nutritious foods. That’s because it’s the most antioxidant-rich superfood in the world, with a phenomenally high ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) value.
These berries contain a high concentration of beneficial anthocyanins — up to 30 times more anthocyanins than red wine! Anthocyanins are a group of polyphenols high in antioxidant value, and this gives them the ability to support healthy aging.
Acai berries are rich in dietary fiber, monounsaturated (healthy) fats, and phytosterols that help promote healthy digestive and cardiovascular systems — and contribute to weight loss. They also have an abundance of essential fatty acids and an almost perfect essential amino acid complex and proteins that are essential for proper muscle contraction and regeneration.
Acai berries have been shown to support a graceful aging process… strengthen the immune system… regulate normal cholesterol levels in the body… reduce soreness… improve circulation and cardiovascular function… detoxify the body… improve vision… and help you sleep better, naturally.
Now that you understand the body’s ability to rebuild itself – sometimes in just a matter of days… just imagine…
- How much healthier you’d be if you drank these nutrition-packed mega-8 superfoods every day…
- How fast your body might heal itself of diseases, aches and pains…
- How much younger you would look…
- How much more energy you’d have…
- if you rebuilt your body with these natural, raw, organic mega-8 superfoods!

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