Monday, February 11, 2019

NOTE=> In the World of Reality, our opinions don’t matter.
In the brain, in the Cranium, there is the Cerebrum. In the Cerebrum, the Claustrum is sitting right in the middle of the head.
From the Claustrum there is a secretion, brain fluid. This fluid is oil called Christos (the Christ) in Greek. This fluid (a beautiful fluid) is from the Cerebrum, and pours down the spinal cord, and reaches the sacral plexus.
Right next door to the sacrum, which are the 5 second (2nd) most fused vertebrate bones at the bottom of the spinal column.
The bottom most portion of the column is called the coccyx and above that is the sacrum, five (5) fused bones.
So the sacral plexus is connected to the sacrum, and the fluid which comes from the Cerebrum pours down the spinal cord and comes to the bottom most part of the spinal cord.
Now the claustrum is otherwise known as the holy claustrum, simply because of this beautiful oil (this Christos) that is produced and secreted.
The word secret comes from secretion, because this secretion is a secret.
And the sacrum is the sacred part of the secret. As the secretion pours down the spinal cord and reaches the sacrum; this is the marvellous way our body has been designed.
And the spinal cord is and extension of the brain; it also does thinking.
And you see the holy claustrum is otherwise known as Santa Claus’’trum’’. You see, because this fluid that goes down to the sacred plexus is a sacred fluid.
And this is where the story of Santa Claus brining presents down the chimneys comes from.
It is the story of the physiology and the Bible is a beautiful manual of physiological regeneration.
What happens with this fluid is that every month when the Moon is in the sign where your Sun was when you were born; every month there is a germ or seed planted in your solar plexus, which is just above the sacral plexus.
And that germ is the oil, the Christ which is born in Bethlehem; because the solar plexus is otherwise known as Bethlehem, where the seed/Christ is born.
And that seed/oil needs to return whence it came in the mid-brain. As the oil ascends the spinal cord, the vibration of the oil/Christ increases.
And you see, first of all the oil is differentiated in the pineal gland and the pituitary gland, before it is sent down the spinal cord.
And the pineal gland is the electric portion –Sun
And the pituitary gland is the magnetic portion – Moon
So the oil is differentiated and it is brought down the spinal cord via the Pingala and Ida nerves. These are otherwise known as the kundalini and kundabuffer.
So it arrive the sacral plexus for the germinating of the seed once in a month, 12 times a year.
And if we are able to transmute that seed and cause it to rise; as it rises in the spinal cord, it eventually reaches the medulla oblongata; and the pons and the mid-brain. And it crosses the Vagus nerve otherwise known as the Numo gastric nerve.
It’s a nerve that descends from the brain Area; from the pineal and pituitary glands respectively.
And it feeds the lungs and the stomach; is a network of nerve called ‘‘the tree of life’’.
The ancients knew that this seed that is born in Bethlehem once a month is the Christ.
If one were to abstain from sex during that period, that oil will be saved, and it will rise and will burst through the hearth chakra, through the throat chakra and eventually the oil will arrive with its higher vibration; because at the bottom the oil has a very low vibratory rate.
Whereas with proper practices;
  1. Meditation
  2. Breathing
  3. Good eating
  4. Good peaceful behaviour
One is able to raise that Christ/Oil so that it crosses the vagus nerve at the top of the spinal column; you see because the Christ is crucified at 33 years of age.
When the oil arrive at the very very top; there waiting is the optic thalamus, and egg shape organ in the middle of the head.
When it crosses this numo gastric nerve, this is called crucifixion.
The oil is not killed and destroyed but magnified 1000 fold.
And the oil then touches the optic thalamus and for 2.5days, remains in a condition that is considered to be dead; and then reaches the pineal gland after 2.5days and illuminates the optic thalamus and pineal gland.
The optic thalamus was known as the light of the world by the Egyptians and the Greeks; because they knew their physiology and anatomy; and they knew that this precious oil which descended from the claustrum, from the Cerebrum, and was differentiated in the pineal and pituitary glands; and descended the spinal cord, they knew that it will ascend eventually and that the enlightened portion of mankind were able to cause this Christ/oil to ascend; so that it will ascend to the optic thalamus and cause it  to be lightened.
What in turn happens is that millions of brain cells that were dormant are now awakened; and you see there are practices and things that are detrimental about this oil; that are detrimental to this oil;
For instance over-eating, alcohol and sex practice at the wrong time destroys the seed and this is what is what is known as eating from the tree of life.
Because the ancients knew that once the oil is depleted, because of the riotous living, the fleshly organism dies. Death results from using up all of the oil.
You see the oil that descends from the Cerebrum is otherwise known as the mana from heaven.
You see, because heaven means heaved-up. And the head, the cranium, that dome that it’s on top the torso that was known as the heaven.
You see and the heart area, the heart chakra was known as the mid-Gard or the middle garden.
And the genitive area was known as Sodom and Gomorrah, the area of desire, animal desire, and otherwise known as Egypt and Hell, and the world, etc.
Whereas the Garden of Eden and the land flowing with milk and honey, that’s upstairs; in fact the pineal gland produces the honey, the secretion known as honey, which has D & T in it.
And the pituitary body secrets the milk; this is the milk and honey; and the land flowing with milk and honey is upstairs.
And the sacred secret is the secret of this oil and knowing how to raise the oil so that one is illuminated and opened up to the higher mind.
As above, so below
This is a sacred secret simply because the secretion which comes from the sacral plexus is one of the most important things that we need to know for physiological regeneration.
You see by saving the seed, one can actually live longer; the ancients used to live for thousands of years, by protecting and keeping this secret and guarding it.
The Egyptians build ascension chambers/pyramids for this very purpose and they taught the science of respecting, keeping, guarding and looking after this beautiful oil.
And if you know the gospels well, you will know all the scriptures that are referring to it.
I am the light of the world, he that follows me shall not work in darkness – the light of the world is the optic thalamus.
Keep your eye simple, if your eye is dark, your whole body will be dark – that eye is known as the 3rd eye, the spiritual eye.
Now as for deniers, most church goers will be denying this because in their mind, Jesus Christ is a historical person which must return physically in order to save them; because they cannot save themselves; they need a vicarious 3rd party saviour.
Whereas the opposite is true
And this is what the so called Apostle Paul was talking about; when he referred to the sacred secret Christ within; the Christ that dwells within.
For you see, the kingdom of God (the god) is within you; it is not without.
And in fact the words of Jesus are pretty clear when he says; do not be looking out there for the kingdom of God (which is the god) will not come with striking observableness;  
Don’t look here and don’t look there because there will be deceivers saying, oh here is the Christ, there is the Christ; because the process is within.
Unless one is able to raise that energy and get out of the bottom Chakras;
You see, the bottom chakras deals with sexuality, strife, envy, power, greed, wealth and all of those things;
And if one is constantly seeking those things and constantly eating from the fruit of the tree of life; you see those beautiful nerve – the numo gastric nerve system; they are responsible for bringing the oil back up to the top of the chimney.
Because Santa Claus brings good presents; those beautiful spiritual presents, and we are the ones who are responsible for channelling that oil, that Christ seed within, so that it eventually is crucified in the middle of the head.
You see, the Cerebrum is hollowed out and the mid-brain and the limbic system at the top of the spinal cord is the holy of holies.
And the Cerebellum which sits at the back of the brain; this is otherwise known as the small brain;
The Cerebrum is associated with the top of the head – Aries.
And the Cerebellum is associated with Taurus and the male brain.
The right brain is the feminine and it is connected to the Cerebrum – Aries the god brain;
You see we have the god-man, it is the Cerebrum; the Adam man is the Cerebellum.
Church goers, you wouldn’t get any of this in church – this is esoteric truth;
Exoteric truth denies this and has been perpetuated for the last few thousand years by the so called Christian Church in order to deny and hide the true story of physical regeneration.
In the past people have lived for thousands of years by preserving and conserving this oil and transmuting it so that it reaches the optic thalamus.
What happens when this oil reaches the optic thalamus is that new blood is generated in the body.
Until such time as this process has occurred, we will have toxic blood in our physical organisms.
In order to regenerate and produce new blood, the oil must be raised to the optic thalamus and healing can occur.
And as I said before, the millions of dormant brain cells are reactivated and the heavens – the Cerebrum were awaiting the return of the prodigal son.
You see because we all have dormant brain cells in our brains; and this is why when you get to the shopping malls and see the way people behave, it appears they are zombies; zombified and brain dead; yet because they have not return any of the oil.
And in the Bible, this is known as tithing. You see this is why the Bible says you must return 1/10th to the LORD. Remember the LORD [L-O-R-D] refers to the gold. This is how we turn lead into gold.
El spinal cord is like a thermometer; and as the mercury rises with warmth, the more so with enlightenment and consciousness, and knowledge we are able to raise the condition of this oil.
And as it climbs the spine and ascends, it raises the vibration. In fact when it get crucified at the top of the spine where the numo gastric nerve is crossed; this does not mean death; Crucifixion means to multiply a 1000 fold.
And you see not only is physical regeneration a result of this but also spiritual regeneration, and one is able to experience the higher mind and clairvoyance.
You see mediumship occurs down in the solar plexus.
There are four brains in the human body;
  1. The Cerebrum – the god brain
  2. The Cerebellum – the man brain
  3. The medulla Oblongata – which is responsible for the involuntary actions of the body such as breathing and blood circulation.
  4. The solar plexus – related to the animal instinctive brain, which receives images from the ether from the air; just like animals do, and react correspondingly without reason and logic instinctively;
So you see this is why it is so important to raise the oil so that one can get out of the lower mind.
The lower mind is the solar plexus, and wrought with problems.
This is where the elites have known these secrets, they have destroyed it; because they have gone after the so called heretics and renegades and unbelievers who have been teaching the truth story of the Christ within.
And the ascension process is within; you see this rapture that all the Christians are waiting for is not going to happen outside.
Ascension is within. One ascends to heaven – the heaved-up place, the dome of the Cerebrum.
You see those two (2) flaps those hollowed out hemispheres of the Cerebrum are otherwise known as cherubim.
You see in the Bible God said to Moses, ‘you must build the Ark of the Covenant with two cherubim above the ark; covering over and inside the ark shall be placed the manner and the Law of God, the two tablets.
Well, I’m here to tell you that the optic thalamus is the Ark of the Covenant.
And the limbic system, the mid-brain, the pons, the medulla oblongata, the pineal gland, these are the holy of holies.
This is where one needs to return the good oil; the secret of secrets; this is been known to the ancients; it’s in the Bible, in all the legendary books.
All of the characters, all of them, they are all in the body.
In the middle of the head there is something known as the hippocampus; the little horse. This is the white horse that Jesus rides upon.
There is something know as Amon’s horn; absolutely in the middle of the head; Amon’s horn? Would that be in Jesus name Amon? The same dude, yea it would.
We have the claustrum; we have the Cerebrum, the covering angels, the cherubim which covers over, because the Cerebrum covers over the Cerebellum;
And the mid brain and the optic thalamus; and the pineal gland and pituitary gland, otherwise known as Joseph and Mary
You see these two are the ones responsible for sending the oil down the spinal cord. They are the ones awaiting the return of their son; who was born in Bethlehem; the solar plexus, once a month; when the moon is in the Sun sign you were born under.
This is why Astrology is so crucial and the churches go after it, they claim the bible condemns it.
Living riotously, over-eating, consuming too much alcohol; these are poisons to the oil; these dry up the oil. Once the oil is dried up, the human organism dies. It cannot live without the oil. It comes from the Cerebrum.
This beautiful fluid, the crystalline you, which comes from the heaved-up place – the heaven and, it comes to the sacrum; the secretion which is the secret, the sacred secret of the Christ within.
NOTE- The holy land is within; the holy land is the body;
The bones of the vertebrae are 33 and correspond to the age of Christ when he was crucified.
The Jordan River is the spinal cord.
As you graduate (lifting the oil), you get degrees – higher honours.
The five (5) fused bones are the stone that Jacob slept on and aw the god face to face.

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