Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Diabetes Starts in the Liver

  Hello friend,
The liver is one of the body's largest and most important organs. The liver is responsible for over 500 vital functions, holds over 13% of the body's blood supply, and filters over 1 liter of blood each minute. It makes blood proteins, clotting proteins, lipoproteins, and 80% of our cholesterol. It filters blood, makes bile, makes and breaks down hormones, regulates blood sugar, and changes harmful toxins into substances that can be safely eliminated from the body. And this is just a small list of liver functions!
Check out my new blog post where I talk about the importance of taking care of your liver, and how sugar can have an affect on your liver. Learn about non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and what are the natural ways to reduce the amount of fat in the liver.
How much do you know about your liver? Learn about some myths and facts about liver in the next article. Also find out different risks that affect liver, how to keep your liver safe, and what kinds of tests can be done to diagnose 100+ different forms of liver diseases.
Unfortunately, since the common American diet is high in calories, fats, sugars and alcohol, with unknown amounts of toxins from preservatives, pesticides and nitrates, almost everybody has liver dysfunction to some extent. Health problems appear after many years of abuse, when the liver is so exhausted it loses the ability to detoxify itself. You can help your liver take a "deep cleansing breath". A liver detoxification is the first vital step for the body to begin to heal itself. Learn about the importance of the liver detoxification in the this article:
If you want to improve your liver function and boost your metabolism, join me for a spring detox program starting on March 19th. The 28 Day Metabolic Reset Program includes all the handouts and resources you need, group support, and 28 daily informational and inspirational videos from me. To learn more click here.
The better we take care of our liver, the better it will take care of us. Cholesterol and blood sugar levels will improve, hormones will balance, energy will be restored and you will just feel better. The liver is worth your attention!
Dr. Brian Mowll
The Diabetes Coach™
Master Diabetes Educator
IFM-Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner

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