Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Even doctors are scared, advising against 

new 'needleless' flu vaccine

FluMist vaccine
(NaturalNews) When medical doctors begin warning about the uselessness of certain vaccines,
 it becomes clear that the vaccine was never proven effective in clinical trials to begin with. 
If the vaccines in question were never proven effective before being rushed to market, then 
wouldn't that mean these products are just live experiments on the population? If the 
effectiveness of the vaccine is practically nonexistent, and the scientific process abandoned, 
how can people trust that it is even safe for them?

FluMist, the only flu vaccine that is taken orally, is essentially a con, offering no real protection 
from real world flu viruses. Even the governing body over vaccine supply, the CDC's Advisory 
Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), declined to recommend FluMist in June 2015, 
after it became clear that the product had only proven to be 3 percent effective over the 
previous three years.

Now in 2016, the ACIP is saying the same thing: FluMist is practically useless. Clinics are no 
longer ordering it, and distribution companies aren't even offering it to pharmacies. The 
consensus among pediatricians is for kids to skip FluMist, even though it is much easier to 
administer than actual flu shots.

Now that the CDC has warned that the past years' flu shots are less than 50 percent effective 
for predicting the circulating strains, many people are opting out.

"We need to recognize that the influenza virus is totally unpredictable," admits Dr. Henry 
Bernstein of Cohen's Children's Medical Center in New Hyde Park, New York."There are 
multiple influenza virus strains. We don't know which ones are going to predominate from one 
season to next. We don't know which ones are going to be more common in certain 
communities." Even so, flu shots are still widely recommended. They are so highly 
recommended in fact, that doctors even push pregnant women to take them, without any safety
 studies to back up that this practice is safe for the developing fetus.

FluMist developer cannot be trusted

AstraZeneca, the maker of FluMist, denies the claim that FluMist is ineffective; they even cited a 
Canadian study to prove that the drug is as effective as a flu shot (which still gives the product 
no merit at all). AstraZeneca cannot be trusted to provide good medicine anyway. After all, they 
are the developers of Nexium, which has faced numerous lawsuits from hundreds of victims who
 now have chronic kidney disease, renal failure and kidney failure thanks to the drug.

Another 20,000 or more plaintiff groups have taken on AstraZeneca in court over another of the
 company's drugs, Seroquel. This drug causes patients to suffer from rapid weight gain, 
hyperglycemia and diabetes. So when AstraZeneca denies the ineffectiveness of FluMist and 
disputes the CDC's findings, they can only be seen as fighting arrogantly for another one of their worthless, harmful products.

Live viral shedding makes FluMist a danger to others, especially the 


FluMist is produced with four "live" flu virus strains. Since it contains live virus strains, this 
vaccine is theoretically a threat to people with compromised immune systems who may be 
randomly subjected to the live viruses in their environment. Live virus vaccines shed for many 
weeks after a person is vaccinated, and this shedding may expose others to the viruses. Kids 
with asthma are put at risk, because these vaccine viruses draws a strong immune response 
from them, which easily leads to respiratory complications.

Vaccines focus only on one factor of immunity: exposure

Instead of promising fake vaccine protection, isn't it time we started viewing human immunity as 
more than something that can be controlled by exposure shots alone? For the sake of the elderlyand immune-compromised patients who die from the complications of the flu every year, isn't it time we focused on the other more important factors for strengthening human immunity?
Vaccines only focus on one aspect of human immunity: exposure to pathogens. These singular 
exposures rely on predictions from the pharmaceutical companies who grow the viruses in 
aborted fetal cell lines or animal cells. By nature, the guesswork protection wears off both quickly and unpredictably, leading to new outbreaks and mutating viruses.

There are several processes going on in the body that work together to provide immunity from 
disease. Interconnected systems of the human body are always at work, all the way down to 
individual cells and the mitochondrial ability to produce energy. For these natural systems to 
work optimally, they require diverse nutritional input, microbial utilization of nutritional components
, management of waste through the lymph system, and strong emotions that can manage stress
and internal conditions which are burdened by toxin overload. The irony in all this is that vaccines 
actually increase the toxin overload on the person's overall immune system, thereby weakening it.

Sources include:






Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/055460_FluMist_vaccine_live_virus_shedding_health_warning.html#ixzz4Mn1jSltJ

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