Haiti oil reserves are now worth $120 billion

Haiti oil reserves are now worth $120 billion US dollars. Is this true? Read on to discover the shocking truth. It's unbelievable!
They say “Haiti is the poorest nation in the western hemisphere." Is that true? No. The media love to tell that lie, but it is totally false. But why?
Here is why: Haitians are poor; however, the land of Haiti is rich with natural resources. They unleash propaganda campaign to paint Haiti in negative lights so everyone believes their lies while they are stealing Haiti's resources.
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Folks here is the truth: Haiti’s oil reserves are now worth $120 billion US dollars. That means the country of Haiti is among the ONE percent wealthiest nations on earth with its oil resources.
Let me assure you that this is not a fairytale story. But I have to confess that I did not believe it when I first learned about the existence of Haiti's oil resources. I was very skeptical. After all, why haven’t we heard about this before? Why are most Haitians so poor? All are good questions we ask when we heard something like this. But you now have a chance, just like me, to know the truth once and for all.
Let me tell you. It is true that Haiti’s oil reserves are now worth $120 billion US dollars. Don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise. Below, you will discover both historical facts and powerful scientific evidence that support this claim fair and square.
Haiti oil reserves and the big multinational oil companies
A 2000 report by the US Geological Survey reported that the Greater Antilles areas of Haiti, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, and their offshore waters, may contain more than 142 million barrels of crude oil and 159 billion cubic feet of natural gas.But the amount could be as high as 941 million barrels of crude oil and 1.2 trillion cubic feet of natural gas because there are many areas that have yet to be explored, according to the report.
According to a report from radio Metropole, scientists Daniel and Ginette Mathurin claimed that "Haiti’s oil reserves are larger than those of Venezuela."
Dr. Daniel Mathurin reported that "Haiti’s oil reserves are so much larger that they are not even worth comparing… It's like an Olympic pool compares to a glass of water."
That is an amazing statement considering the fact that Venezuela is one of the world’s major oil producers. But Daniel and Ginette Mathurin are not the only ones to have made such claims about oil in Haiti.
In a paper dated March 27, 2004, Dr. Georges Michel detailed the history of oil discoveries in Haiti and explained why they have not been exploited yet.
According to the report, the big multinational oil companies know about the massive reserves of oil in Haiti, but there was almost too much oil to go around in the 50's. So they decided that those reserves were not needed at the time and that they would be kept in reserve until later.
The attitude of the big multinational oil companies was: “we shall keep the Haitian deposits and other such layers of deposits in reserve for the 21st century when the Middle Eastern jackpot are all depleted.”
In fact, it was apparently known as far back as 1908 that Haiti has substantial reserves of oil. But those poor people have been kept in abject poverty all this time when they could have been benefiting from all of this oil.
Haiti’s massive gold deposit and other natural resources
Not only Haiti has oil, it also possesses a great deal of gold as well.
A United Nations study in the 70s indicated that Haiti could be littered with gold and copper deposits. However, planned political violence and recurring coup d’état have kept the gold from being mined.
So how much gold does Haiti have? According to NBCNews and the Bureau of Mines Director Dieuseul Anglade, Haiti has $20 billion worth of gold hidden deep below the tropical ridges of its northeastern mountains.
The former president of Dominican Petroleum Refinery also confirmed that Haiti has a vast untapped reserves of gold and iridium (a little known and rare mineral that is vital for the construction of spacecraft).
So, how does a country with $120 billion worth of oil and $20 billion worth of gold is considered the poorest in the western hemisphere? Share your opinion in the comment box below.
Scientific evidence of Haiti’s Gold deposit
Back in 2007, a geologist with 27 years of experience hunting for gold was asked what he thought the chances of discovering huge amounts of gold in Haiti were.Here is how he responded…. “I don’t think there’s a question of whether there’s a good deposit here. It’s a question of whether we can develop it here in Haiti.”
In fact, analysts are predicting “a stampede into Haiti” if the existence of large gold deposits there can be confirmed.
So the so-called "poorest nation in the western hemisphere" turns out to be just brimming with oil and gold. Do you think that those resources will be used to rebuild Haiti and to give Haitian a truly bright future?
Don’t count on it because Haiti’s natural resources are considered “strategic reserves” of the United States.
You see, for decades Haiti has been viewed by many as being essentially “owned” by the United States. The U.S. government has done little to actually help the nation of Haiti get on the right path, but they maintain a huge presence there. In fact, the U.S. fifth largest embassy is in Haiti.
What can we hope for?
Now the question we need to ask is when will all of the oil and gold be used to help the people of Haiti? Will the gold and oil be exploited by ruthless foreigners and continue to keep Haitians in abject poverty?Oil is expensive in Haiti. Let’s tap into those massive reserves and deposits right now.
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The shocking video evidence that will make your head spins. Watch!
Watch the next video... it is different from the one above. It will make your blood boils.
See this for powerful scientific evidence: The Fateful Geological Prize Called Haiti
Sources: World Oil, Haiti could have larger oil reserves than Venezuela, 2015
Radio Metropole, Haïti regorge de pétrole affirmed Daniel et Ginette Mathurin, 2015
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