Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide: Top uses for health, healing and home
Posted on November 08, 2017 by Don Tolman | 1 comment

Hydrogen Peroxide - also known by its chemical formula, H2O2 - is a strong oxidising agent composed of water and oxygen.
Thanks to its natural composition, it's versatile, non-toxic and one of the safest, all-natural sanitisers on the planet that has powerful healing properties.
When using a 35% food-grade source with no stabilisers, no additives or impurities, Hydrogen Peroxide can be miraculous in helping to ward off ailments, heal conditions and even diseases in the body and for various purposes around the home.
What is Hydrogen Peroxide?
A pale blue, clear liquid, Hydrogen Peroxide is simply water with an extra oxygen molecule (H2O2). It's produced by both animal and plant cells and is also formed naturally in the environment by sunlight interacting with water.
How does Hydrogen Peroxide work?
H2O2 effectively kills disease-causing microorganisms by ‘oxidising’ them in a process which breaks down organic materials into oxygen and water.
Your body actually naturally produces a form of H2O2, used by the immune system to help fight infections. Your white blood cells use Hydrogen Peroxide to help combat any toxins, bacteria, viruses, parasites or yeast invading your body.
Safe Usage
Due to it being naturally ‘unstable’, H2O2 is typically made available in a number of ‘grades’.
The strongest grade, typically available to the public, is ‘Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide’ and is comprised of 35% H2O2.
This makes it strong enough to burn the skin, so it must be handled carefully and diluted significantly before being used in or on the body!
One of the most convenient methods of dispensing 35% Hydrogen Peroxide is from a small glass bottle with a dropper.
For use on the body or around the home, low concentrations should be cut with water to around 3-5% (and not exceed 10%) to avoid being too corrosive and potentially harmful.
**Never place Hydrogen Peroxide in the eyes**
Additionally, due to its instability, it should never be stored in direct sunlight - a cool, dark place such as a refrigerator is best.
What can Hydrogen Peroxide be used for?
When prepared in correct concentrations and applied in the right way, Hydrogen Peroxide offers a number of 'epicures' and health-promoting benefits. To learn more about all of its amazing uses, I'd recommend you get your hands on a book called, "The Minute Cure".
Health & Healing
Most dis-ease is caused by insufficient levels of oxygen in the body, so by increasing levels of oxygen, many different ailments can in effect be knocked out. However, oxygen can only address disease if it can be delivered directly to the body's tissues and cells.
Due to its inherent oxygen-based composition, H2O2 is able to do this by stimulating the movement of oxygen atoms from the bloodstream to cells in a very effective and efficient way.
I've also developed a H2O2 protocol that harnesses this power and involves taking 35% food grade Hydrogen Peroxide with water in progressively increasing amounts over a period of up to 5 weeks.
The following are some health ailments that this protocol can assist with:
- Allergies
- Headaches
- Altitude Sickness
- Herpes Simplex
- Alzheimer's Herpes Zoster
- Anemia HIV Infection
- Arrhythmia Influenza
- Bacterial Infections
- Liver Cirrhosis
- Bronchitis
- Lupus
- Cancers
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Candida Parasitic Infections
- Cardiovascular Disease
- Parkinsonism
- Cerebral Vascular Disease
- Periodontal Disease
- Chronic Pain Prostatitis
- Diabetes Type 11 Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Gangrene
- Shingles
- Food Allergies Warts
- Fungal Infections
- Yeast Infections
- Gingivitis
I recommend learning more about H2O2 and consulting your health care professional about its suitability for your circumstances before commencing this or any protocol.

For external use a 3% concentration can be used to treat the following health issues:
- Animal & insect bites - Apply H2O2 and sterile bandage to affected areas
- Chancroid - Rinse genitals morning and night
- Chicken Pox - Apply to sores as required to soothe and prevent infection
- Cuts & scrapes - First clean and rinse with H2O2 then cover with honey
- Nail infections - Spray onto finger or toe nails every night and let dry
- Parasites - Use a cup of 3% H2O2 solution mixed with 20 litres of warm water when performing a colonic irrigation
- Sinus infections - Dip an earbud into solution then swab inside nose. Or make your own nasal spray by mixing a tablespoon of H2O2 with one cup of distilled/pure/non-chlorinated water
- Toothache - Although not a painkiller, H202 will help to treat any pathogens causing infections. Swish a capful of 3% H2O2 around or hold in mouth for 10 minutes
- Wounds - Apply a swab or cloth which has been soaked in H2O2 to wounds to clean, remove dead tissue and prevent infection
Personal Care
Aside from injuries and infections, 3% Hydrogen Peroxide solution can also be used for hygiene, dental and beauty purposes:
- Enema - Add 1 tablespoon of H2O2 to 1 litre of warm distilled water
- Douche - Add 2 capfuls of H2O2 to warm distilled water to use as a douche once or twice a week
- Hair lightening - To bleach hair dilute H2O2 with water 50/50 and after a shower spray it onto and comb through your wet hair
- Mouthwash & Teeth Whitening - Hold one capful in your mouth for 10 minutes, then spit out
- Toothpaste - Dip your brush in H202 solution, then brush. You can also soak your toothbrush in the solution to disinfect it and keep it clean.
Household Use
Thanks to its germicidal properties, Hydrogen Peroxide is very effective for disinfecting and sanitising around the house and can be used to:
- Disinfect dishwashers - Add half a litre of 3% H2O2 solution to your washing formula on a regular basis
- Clean kitchen and bathroom surfaces - Mix 50/50 3% H2O2 with water and spray onto surfaces before wiping or scrubbing off as required
- Remove stains from laundry - Replace bleach with 3% H2O2 solution to whiten and disinfect laundry
To remove sulphites, chemical preservatives often used in wine, mix 1 drop of 3% H2O2 per each glass, which will neutralise the sulphites without affecting the taste.
So now you’ve learnt how versatile this naturally occurring substance can be for your health and environment, I'm sure you'll agree that 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide should be a must-have in your medicine cabinet at home.
'Cowboy' Don
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