Tuesday, September 18, 2018


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Over time and distance, your diet, lifestyle and environmental factors all contribute to the accumulation of toxins within the body, which when left un-checked, can show up as a long list of discomforts or dis-ease.
There are tell-tale signs that you should take time out to detox which we'll cover in this article.
But even if you have no signs of sickness, detoxing to help your body reset from time to time, is one of the greatest 'insurance' policies you can embrace for your health and longevity. 
Before we get into 5 clear signs that it might be time for you to detox, it's important to grasp this basic foundational wisdom...  


Toxins commonly build up in the digestive tract as a result of what you eat and drink over time. Even a moderately 'healthy' diet can contribute to the formation of "plaque" in the intestines that will prevent you from properly absorbing nutrients and your body from performing at its best.
If your body loses its efficiency in being able to eliminate these accumulated toxins through its primary eliminatory channels - the respiratory and digestive systems - it will try to push out the offence through other channels like the skin, or store these toxins as adipose fat tissue and/or create inflammation in the body until such time as they're expelled.
These are 5 common signs that it's probably time to do a detox cleanse...


Perhaps you don't have any obvious "physical" symptoms or changes, but you notice that you're feeling sluggish, low on energy or not feeling your most cheerful.
You may also experience:
  • Fatigue that won't subside even after sleeping
  • Moodiness or anger
  • Anxiety & Depression
Learn more about this aspect in the blog: 5 Daily 'Musts' to Boost Your Energy Naturally 


With the largest organ of your body also being one of the eliminatory channels mentioned above, the expelling of toxins via the skin can sometimes present as the following conditions:


Craving certain types of foods can indicate that you're either toxic or deficient as a result of your body not being able to absorb all the nutrients that it needs.
Common cravings include:
  • Sweet sugary foods
  • Fatty or Salty foods
Additionally, you may become sensitive to certain smells or being exposed to certain chemicals from:
  • Perfumes, aftershaves or colognes
  • Auto exhaust fumes
  • Artificially scented foods & products
  • Cleaning products & chlorine. 


One of the not very pleasant and often most noticed signs is that of body odour, as your body tries to expel toxins via your sweat glands.
Bad breath can also be a sign of toxicity in the body, especially if it doesn't go away even after practising sufficient oral hygiene.
Learn more about this aspect in the blog: Knock Out Body Odour Without Harmful Anti-Perspirants


This can manifest by either losing weight or gaining weight without explanation.
Due to toxins being stored as fat, many people begin to put on weight especially around the belly.
Learn more in the blog: Losing Weight: The Big Fat Lie 


So if you're experiencing one or more of these signs, chances are that you do need to do a detox cleanse.
Obviously, cleaning up your diet and reducing the toxic load you're exposed to environmentally and around the home can help, but the 'fastest path' is to experiment with some form of fasting to kick start the detoxification process... 
Learn more in the blog: Fasting: What You Should Know 


The fastest path of only drinking water for an extended period is a sure fire way to quickly start eliminating not just toxins, but also pathogensviruses and even cancer from your body. 
However, this path is not always suitable for everyone, so it's important to consider your personal circumstances and surroundings, and if you're not in a situation that supports this type of extreme protocol, you'll want to consider more moderate paths like these...


Fresh juices from both fruits and vegetables are electrically charged, liquid nutrients that are rapidly absorbed into your bloodstream because they require very little digestion.
It's the primary reason why "juice fasting" is one of the quickest ways to detox, cleanse and repair - it allows your body to channel its available energy to the healing process without the burden of constantly processing food.
However, there are several important things to consider before embarking on either a juice fast or "juice feast" as part of a detox cleanse program.  It's particularly important that you prepare and consume 'cold-pressed' juice (as opposed to that made by a 'centrifugal' machine), as the living enzymes are not destroyed at the time of juicing...
If you'd prefer to still eat and detox at the same time, why not experience what anciently they referred to as "Walking the Rainbow Bridge" - embracing fruits and vegetables from one colour of the rainbow spectrum each day for 7 days. Learn about how do this and prepare with our FREE RA-W Food Discovery Video Course
The other option - and probably the simplest of all - is to do a Pulse Sacred Meal detox for 7-14 days, where you simply consume Pulse as a whole food meal replacement and drink water for this period.
Brilliant ancient figures of the past would do this type of cleanse to help purify their bodies and add strength, mental clarity and performance.
Pulse is handcrafted locally in Australia from a delicious mix of dried fruits, raw nuts and seeds to an exact recipe aligned to the 'Phi ratio', otherwise known as "golden measured meals".


My Natural 4 Day Colon Cleanse protocol harnesses the amazing power of Mother Earth's own potent detoxifiers of FlaxseedsPsyllium Husk and Bentonite Clay which is ground into a fine powder, that you combine with water to bind and then expel toxins, plaque and heavy metals from your gut.


Thanks to its unique "anions" the lemon is the most powerful way to both cleanse toxic free-radicals from the body and restore your liver.
Add the juice of one whole lemon to a glass of water, add a pinch of nature-made salt and drink first thing in the morning.
You can also support the liver cleansing process with Pure Plant Essential Oils.
Zendocrine Pure Essential Oil Blend is a special formulation of Rosemary, Cilantro, Juniper Berry, Tangerine & Geranium to assist with supporting liver function and ridding unwanted substances from the body



Both of these protocols work by gently injecting water into the colon.
They can support your detox cleanse by helping to clear out, gently loosening and extracting the stored waste being expelled via your lower digestive system.
Enemas are typically something you can administer yourself at home with an Enema Kit, whilst colonics are available from local clinics.
When it comes to Colonics, be sure to look for ones that specialise in 'gravity flow' technology as it is gentler and will avoid any chance of colon damage which some higher pressure machines have been known to cause.


Epsom Salt baths are effective also because they boost magnesium levels in your body, which is required for cell detoxification and also assist with expelling heavy metals through the eliminatory channel of your skin (your body's largest organ).


What you put on your skin each day impacts your body’s immunity and eliminatory channels. Through a process known as ‘passive diffusion’, toxins can pass through all seven layers of your skin and into your lymphatic system and bloodstream. 
As a result, if you're using commercial skin creams, lotions and cosmetics each day just be sure that they contain nothing toxic and if they do be sure to replace them with natural chemical-free alternatives.


Once you've finished a detox cleanse, it's best to ease your way back into your normal (hopefully 'healthier' lifestyle).
As you come off your detox, start with foods that are light on your digestive system like saladssoupsfruitsjuices and smoothies.
Keep your water intake at a good level - at least 2 litres of water per day.
Try to embrace one or two new habits into your routine that will help you continue to live a tox-free lifestyle.  It can be as simple as:
  • Starting each morning with fresh squeezed lemon juice and/or Apple Cider Vinegar and water;
  • Walking for 30-45 minutes each day;
  • Having a hot salt bath 2-3 times each week;
  • Avoiding breakfast 4-5 days a week to give your body more time to 'fast' during each 24 hour period.
Overall, you'll want to eat more foods that are naturally cleansing and nourish and feed your cells while not being taxing on your digestive system.  Here are the Top 7 Reasons to Embrace a Plant-Based Diet & How to Do It
To learn more about the 3 Pathways to Health & Healing and the ways you can detoxify and cleanse your body, check out our Detox & Heal page.  


The ancient wisdom was that regardless of your state of health, we should generally detox or cleanse with every change of season i.e. 4 times a year for 7 days = 28 days each year. 
If that's too much, then choose one day a week as a 'fasting' day, or at least consider the concept of 'Spring Cleaning' by supporting your body to release any unwanted winter waste
Finally, remember that 'self care' is about having a proactive rather than 'reactive' approach to your health and wellbeing.  Prevention is always better than cure, so any time you take to detox periodically will be setting you up for your best long term health.
'Cowboy' Don.


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