admin | Aug 31, 2018 | Comments 0
Text-based conversations and a fast-paced world are leading to more and more shortened and abbreviated terms to the point where your average adult cannot even understand readily what kids are talking about. And worse, not only are they typing these acronyms they are starting to speak in chat lingo. We are sliding backwards in our grasp of the English language and also in face-to-face communication ability. Handwriting quality, even for those of us who learned painstakingly how to write in cursive, is going massively downhill as most of our communication is now typed.
People who were born after 1980 seem to have a distinct slightly sloppy style that looks a bit childish; it’s a mix of cursive and penmanship. It was in the early 80’s when the school system became more lax – just as the personal computer began to emerge in the classroom.
Even so far back as the 1920’s educators had theorized that kids learned to read by looking at books which were printed, not written and they should learn to write the same way. Over the decades handwriting classes and the attention given to such have decreased and in some cases disappeared altogether.
In 2002 the No Child Left Behind Act was enacted. While they meant well, it has backfired badly passing kids through who aren’t ready and are uneducated just because they could fill in the circles and pass the tests. If something isn’t on a test, it is now considered a luxury – handwriting, music, art all of these fall into this category despite the fact that they are amazingly helpful in the developmental growth of our youth.
What does this mean for our future and how does this relate to health? What if “the grid” went down, we had no more Internet, and we all had to write by hand? Could we? How many of us have handwriting that can be understood by most? That number is fading and will continue to fade unless something is done.
Healthwise physically writing is an important tool. It allows us to express our feelings, emotions and deepest thoughts. Writing is magical. Typing is not. It does not have the same effect vibrationally.
Quick physics lesson – We have been taught in school in science classes that everything is matter. And that matter is made up of the smallest molecules – atoms. Well, it has been found in recent years that there is indeed something even smaller than the atom. Vibrational Energy. Everything we see or touch is made of vibrating energy particles. And all things and creatures and thoughts vibrate at a slightly different level. It’s what makes a desk a desk and a pen a pen, though they are made of the same thing, they vibrate at a different frequency and because of this are seen as different items. Along with this same theory, the act of writing itself, the written word on paper – each word has an associated vibration. Each stroke means something. Because of this writing is special and certainly, we all know the written word can be very powerful. Look at all of the great speeches and books through the centuries. We have fought to preserve them for future generations.
On a more personal level, Writing Therapy has been around since the 1970’s. Most people are not aware of the therapeutic results writing or “journaling” can have. Writing Therapy has been proven to relieve: abuse, disease, asthma, depression, arthritis, disorders and even trauma. It has also been proven to bring a positive change with heart rate, the immune system function, blood pressure, stress relief, infection and disease. It allows the author to gain control of their feelings and their life.
So where are we headed in a world without cursive writing? It stands to reason that with our lack of use and practice of the written form, that writing altogether may go the way of the Dodo bird with typing and texting taking over as the only forms of utilized communication.
What can you do? We all need to use computers for work. They make our lives faster and easier. But try handwriting occasionally whether it’s for something as simple as a to-do list or writing someone a letter. The more you write, the better your writing looks stylistically. If you have kids, take the time to teach them cursive and encourage them to practice regardless of what their school has in the curriculum.
It has long been held standard that “Eloquence of speech equals eloquence of mind”.
Those who can express themselves easily and with style are held in society as more intelligent regardless of actual intellect. So give yourself and your children a hand up. Writing needs to make a come back for an array of reasons. And it can only happen one person and one family at a time.
Author: Sarah Barendse
Filed Under: Featured • Health Freedom
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