One of the Most Inexcusable Vaccine Revelations of All...
Former drug company scientist Helen Ratajczak recently created a firestorm of debate from all sides of the vaccine-autism issue when she published her comprehensive review of autism research. This is a massively important study, for more than one reason. One element brought to light that has managed to stay well below the radar is the use of aborted embryonic cells in vaccine production.
CBS News recently reported:
“Ratajczak reports that about the same time vaccine makers took most thimerosal out of most vaccines (with the exception of flu shots which still widely contain thimerosal), they began making some vaccines using human tissue.Ratajczak says human tissue is currently used in 23 vaccines. She discusses the increase in autism incidences corresponding with the introduction of human DNA to MMR vaccine, and suggests the two could be linked.”
Which Vaccines Might Be Produced Using Aborted Fetal Cell Lines?
The Sordid History of Viral Vaccines
One Particularly Egregious Example: Rubella Vaccine
Shocking Examples of Aborted Fetal Cells Used by the Food and Cosmetic Industry
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