Power your whole House with A Wind Turbine For the cost of an I-phone
Contributing writer for Wake Up World
A startup in southern India has revolutionized small-scale wind power by creating a unique wind turbine the size of ceiling fan that can generate 5 kWh/kW per day — with only a one-time investment of US$750. So for the cost of an iPhone, we can go off-grid and power an entire household for a lifetime, even at low wind speeds.
Avant Garde Innovations (AGI) was launched by two brothers — Arun and Anoop George — from Kerala, India, who believe their invention could make the worldwide energy crisis a thing of the past. According to the company, their goal is to eradicate energy poverty, reduce dependence on local power grids and encourage self sufficiency through affordable, renewable energy. “In doing so, we believe we can collectively usher in our world a cleaner environment, new economic prosperity and social change.” A startup with a “green heart and soul,” they aim for a market launch of the turbine sometime in 2017.
For those who recognize the dire need for sources of clean energy, but don’t have the capital to implement a standard off-grid system, Avant Garde’s wind turbine is a game-changer — especially for impoverished regions around the world.
A Clean and Green Power Source That Won’t Break the Bank
India is a prime example of a growing power crisis where, for many regions, electricity is a distant dream. But if AGI has any say in the matter, India’s energy problems will be a thing of the past. What’s more, their solution will have few ecological drawbacks.
“Recognized by the United Nations Foundation, AGI’s turbine is capable of generating power even at very low wind speeds. The 1 kw-capacity equipment can provide about five units of power every day — deemed enough for meeting the energy needs of a middle-income household every day. Its compact design, said Arun George, enables the system to run for years without frequent maintenance.” [source]
The opportunity is immense — especially considering India is the world’s sixth largest energy consumer, which accounts for 3.4 percent of the world’s energy consumption. And, due to the governments inability to shoulder the infrastructural cost to bring traditional electricity to remote villages, economical micro wind turbines — like those developed by AGI — are an exceptionally attractive option.
Many in the West also question whether this innovative technology could be applied in first world countries, as a method for homeowners to reduce their energy consumption from the grid — which is largely fueled by environmentally destructive coal and natural gas. The answer is a resounding yes, but with a few caveats.
Off-Grid Residential Wind Power
For those concerned about preserving the environment — as well as becoming self-sufficient — wind power holds potential. The obstacle, however, usually lies in zoning rules for homeowners who are not rural, along with overall cost to implement the system. For the average family, going completely off-grid can be an expensive venture — and even if you are able to afford it, city laws may render wind turbines illegal in your area.
Writes Megan E. Phelps for Mother Earth News:
“Here’s the deal: For a home wind turbine to be worth your investment, you really need to live on an acre or more. That’s the guideline from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Guide to Small Wind Electric Systems, a free publication for homeowners. Living in a rural area helps, because if you’re in a residential neighborhood, you’re likely to run into conflicts with zoning and local homeowners associations. Additionally, you’re more likely to find a high average wind speed in wide open spaces far from windbreaks such as buildings and trees. Altogether, while installing a small wind turbine in a city or suburb is certainly possible, you’re much more likely to have the right conditions for home wind power if you live well outside city limits.”
While your neighborhood may have enough wind, a turbine could still be impossible to put into action. Jay Nygard of Orono, Minnesota found out the hard way. Nygard, who owns Go Green Energy — a company that sells turbines, is facing prison time for constructing one on his own property, which is illegal due to permit and licensing laws for his town. He’s found himself disputing the local government, and a few of his neighbors, over the turbine since it was built in 2010. After being in and out of court for years, Nygard was given a six month prison sentence in October of 2015 — even though he had removed the turbines from his property. Apparently, Nygard, on the advice of three different engineers, left the cement base for the turbines because their removal would cause structural damage to his house. The local government, ignoring the recommendation from the engineers, demanded they be completely removed. When Nygard refused, he was held in contempt of court.
Needless to say, a conventional residential wind turbine can certainly cause a slew of problems with local municipalities and your neighbors. But for those who live on an acre or more — micro wind turbines, like the AGI model, could be an outstanding option for going off-grid and powering your house with very little investment. Some would say the AGI wind turbines are about as close as you can get to free energy — and they would be right.
Article sources:
- www.avantgardeinnovations.com
- www.e27.co/with-the-cost-of-an-iphone-you-can-now-buy-a-wind-turbine…20160606
- www.motherearthnews.com/renewable-energy/wind-power/home-wind-power…1
- www.natureworldnews.com/…/clean-energy-startup-designs-turbines-power-households-lifetime-1-4.htm
- www.thefreethoughtproject.com/man-faces-jail-time-installing-wind-turbine-property
- www.thefreethoughtproject.com/jay-nygard-spend-6-months-prison-windmills-property
- www.economictimes.indiatimes.com/…/avant-garde-innovations-develops-wind-turbine…
About the author:

Through her website Thrive-Living.net, she looks forward to connecting with other like-minded people from around the world who share a similar vision. You can also follow Carolanne on Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest.
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