Friday, December 23, 2016

Crushing Cigarette Pack

Contributing Writer for Wake Up World
Modern cigarettes contain a whopping 600 ingredients, which translates to over 4000 chemicals. In addition to the familiar toxic ingredients found in cigarettes like tar and nicotine, many people are surprised to learn that cigarettes contain many other highly toxic ingredients, such as formaldehyde, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, arsenic, DDT, butane, acetone, carbon monoxide, and even cadmium.
Did you know that The National Institute on Drug Abuse has estimated that in the United States alone, smoking is responsible for more than 400,000 deaths per year, and that by the year 2030 tobacco related deaths worldwide are projected to be approximately 10 million?

It is no surprise that this chemical cocktail is responsible for so many deaths resulting from two of the leading killers in the United States: cardiovascular disease and cancer. But there are other common health conditions that are also linked to smoking and exposure to second-hand smoke, including spine and joint disorders.
Because smoking decreases the ability of the blood to carry oxygen, the body compensates by increasing heart rate and blood pressure, which eventually results in poor circulation.  With poor circulation comes a decrease in the blood vessels’ ability to carry nutrients to living tissue, which includes bones and the discs of the spine.  Long term, this can compromise bone and joint physiology, the body’s ability to heal from injury, and a lack of vertebral disc nutrition, all of which can ultimately result in chronic pain and loss of mobility.

There is a Positive Side!

On a positive note, because of the resiliency of the human body, the damaging effects of  smoking can be reversed.   When an individual commits to quitting, the healing effects instantly begin. Within minutes, blood pressure and heart rate decrease and normalize. Within about a day, dangerous levels of carbon monoxide decrease and eventually levels are undetectable.   Inflammation steadily begins to decrease as more oxygen is circulated throughout the body, and even the lungs may heal to an extent based on the number of years an individual smoked.  Statistics show that after a person has quit smoking for ten to fifteen years, the risk of developing lung cancer decreases to the level of a person who never smoked.

Are the new electronic cigarettes a good substitute for modern cigarettes?

Recent German research says no. Despite the fact that they contain less harmful substances, it has been found that after five minutes of using this alternative cigarette, signs of airway constriction and inflammation develop. Furthermore, even though e-cigarettes produce substantially fewer ultra-fine particles than modern cigarettes, when smoked indoors, the particles that are emitted accumulate and can impact users and second-hand by-standers, much like chronic exposure to artificial air fresheners.
Though pharmaceuticals and nicotine replacement are realistic options to help you quit smoking, they are not without risk and side effects. Natural options such as acupuncture, exercise, nutrition (vitamin C and B vitamins – Did you know that your body is depleted of at least 25 mg of vitamin C per cigarette), meditation, nature walks, and support groups have also been shown to be effective in reducing cravings and withdrawal symptoms.
Previous articles by Dr. Michelle Kmiec:
About the author:
dr michelle kmiec Garlic & Onions Prevents Cancer!
Dr. Michelle Kmiec is a board certified chiropractic physician who also holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Human Biology, and a minor in Medical Research. She is a life-long athlete who after curing herself 100% naturally from MS and anxiety, became an avid nutrition health researcher/promoter. She has been featured in many Health magazines, and has been a guest on radio talk shows in the USA, Canada, United Kingdom, and Australia. She is the author of Health Freedom Revolution: Exposing the Lies, Deceit and Greed of the Medical Profession’, Founder of Online Holistic Health, and a contributing writer for other popular informative health website/blogs. She is also founder of The Triad of Life™ Holistic Lifestyle Program – the most comprehensive holistic program on the internet today.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

The Real Meaning of Christmas

Posted on December 23, 2015 by Don Tolman | 15 comments

Mostly Forgotten and rewritten:
History: The Sun/Son God/Father of Light now called, Christmas or Hanukkah
Herstory: The Moon Goddess Luna, Candle’s and Fireside Chats
When you rip open presents this Christmas, you're taking part in traditions of the "Pagans" (Garden Keepers and Healers) that stretch back thousands of years.
When you gather around the Christmas tree or stuff goodies into a stocking, you're taking part in traditions that go back thousands of years — long before Christianity entered the mix.
The choice of December 25th for the celebration of the birth of Jesus, was "to Christian-ise" the Pagans (Keepers of gardens and grain fields) festival (celebrating the year end harvest).
In the northern hemisphere, the growing seasons were over. Winter was now coming and the sun was die-ing in other words, the daylight hours were becoming less and less.
Then, on the Lunar calendar the Solstice was the shortest day of the year, then they celebrated for the next 12 days the, “Rebirth of the Sun" as the daylight hours were getting longer.
Christmas Day itself, plus the 12 days of the 'Christmas season', add up to 13, the Pagan's most sacred number. This is why religion made the number 13 evil, even though there is Jesus and the 12 sons of Jacob (13), Moses and the 12 tribes of Israel (13) and so on.
Christmas was a festival embraced by and then inaugurated by the Roman emperor, "Aurelian", to celebrate the Sun, God and celebrated at the winter solstice on December 25th, in the 13 "Moon-th" (month) the calendar created by the Pagan gardeners & whole food healers.
Then during the reign of the emperor Constantine, who created the Roman Catholic Church, assimilated this feast of the Pagan’s and healers as the birthday of Jesus, associating him with the "sun of righteousness” (right-use-ness).
It was a custom of the Pagans to celebrate on December 25th, the birthday of the Sun, at which they kindled lights in token of festivity.
Christmas during the Middle Ages was a public festival that incorporated the Pagan's Ivy, Holly, Mistletoe and other Evergreens.
Christmas gift-giving during the Middle Ages was usually between people with legal relationships, such as tenant and landlord.
The Pagan's annual indulgence in eating, dancing, singing, sporting, orgies and card playing were hated by religion who wanted control of the people.
They taught that the Pagans were evil, stupid and worthless and that their God wanted them dead.
That's why most wars and mass murders tend to have a religious agenda.
Pagan or "non-Christian" traditions, show up in this beloved winter holiday, a consequence of early church leaders melding Jesus' nativity celebration with pre-existing midwinter festivals.
Since then, Christmas traditions have warped over time, arriving at their current state a little more than a century ago.
We all want that warm Christmas glow.
But why this fixation on partying in midwinter, in the northern hemisphere anyway?
It's a natural time for a feast.
In an agricultural (pagan) society, the harvest work is done for the year, and there's nothing left to be done in the fields.
It's a time when you have some time to devote to celebrating your life, but also it's a period when, frankly, everyone needs cheering up.
The dark days that culminate with the shortest day of the year ­— the winter solstice — could be lightened with feasts and decorations.
If you happen to live in a region in which midwinter brings striking darkness and cold and hunger, then the urge to have a celebration at the very heart of it to avoid going mad or falling into deep depression is very, very strong.
Even now when solstice means not all that much because you can get rid of the darkness with the flick of an electric light switch, it's still a very powerful season.
Hanukkah is the Jewish Festival of Lights and it remembers the rededication of the second Jewish Temple in Jerusalem.
This happened in the 160s BC (before Jesus was born). (Hanukkah is the Jewish word for 'dedication'.) Hanukkah lasts for eight days and starts on the 25th of Kislev, the month in the Jewish calendar that occurs at about the same time as December.
Because the Jewish calendar is lunar (it uses the moon for its dates), Kislev can happen from late November to late December, (the ancient Pagan wisdom and genius).
In 2015, Hanukkah was from in the evening of Sunday, 6th December until the evening of Monday, 14th December.
In 2016, Hanukkah will be from in the evening of Saturday, December 24th until the evening of Sunday, January 1st, 2017.
During Hanukkah, on each of the eight nights, a candle is lit in a special menorah (candelabra) called a 'hanukkiyah'.
Hanukkah is also a time for giving and receiving presents and gifts are often given on each night.
Lots of games are played during the time of Hanukkah.
The most popular is 'dreidel' (Yiddish) or 'sivivon' (Hebrew). It's a four sided top with a Hebrew letter on each side.
The four letter are the first letter of the phrase 'Nes Gadol Hayah Sham' which means 'A great miracle happened there' (in Israel, 'there' is changed to 'here' so it's 'Nes Gadol Hayah Po').
Player put a coin, nut or chocolate coin in a pot and the top is spun. In the letter 'nun' (נ) come up nothing happens, if it's 'gimel' (ג) the player wins the pot, if it's 'hay' (ה) you win half the pot and if it's 'shin' (for 'there' ש) or 'pe' (for 'here' פ) you have to put another item into the pot and the next person has a spin!
This pagan celebration was to help everyone find Solace during the winter and dark season, the Sun or brightest light that lights all of the 13 planets delivers this.
The 13 planets were and are: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Ceres, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Haumea, MakeMake, Eris.
These show up at different Angles in the sky during the 4 seasons later these angles and the energy of the seasons they appear in were called Angels by religion.
The phases and Angles of the Moon and Sun affect us here on this Earth.
Sol was an ancient name of the Sun.
If something eases your disappointment or grief, consider it a solace (sol-ace).
In other words, if you're sad, you might find solace in music or in talking to your friends.
It is no surprise that consolation (con-sol-ation) and solace are similar in meaning as they share a root in the Latin verb sōlārī "to comfort."
In fact, solace and consolation are synonyms meaning relief from grief or disappointment.
When you go to summer camp or sleep-away camp, your parents will miss you, but they'll find solace in knowing that you are having fun.
These Ancient celebrations in each of the 4 seasons were sacred (Energy Healing) and powerful for people to find comfort from sorrow, grief, depression, misfortune, trouble, distress, discomfort, and dis-ease's.
During the dark cold season the pagan "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti” helped people to overcome depression, sadness and suicidal thoughts.
The Festival of Lights, used the Sun, Moon, Candles, Fire-side chats, play, gratitude, giving and en-Light-enment.
Con-sol-e means to cheer the heart, happy, joy, de-light-ed, de-light-ful, pleased, glad, fruitful, fortunate, lucky, etc.
Today, people especially children, are finding that 'gadget Happy devices' are taking Christmas to a whole new level.
One final thing...
Always pay attention to the phrases spoken and sung in the Holiday Celebrations.
Here’s a few for what most call Christmas: "Tis’ the Season to be Jolly”… "Eat, Drink and be Merry”… “Peace on Earth and Joy to all”…”Hope, Wonder, Joy and a Happy New Year” and my CowBoy one:
Life is a Beautiful Ride, so Saddle-Up and keep Moving!!!
I wish for y’all a very merry, 13 Days of Pleasure n' Play, plenty of nature’s wonderful foods and drinks and a collection of beautiful night dreams that you'll remember.

Potential Warning Signs of Cancer that People Too Often Ignore

Health experts emphasize the importance of paying attention to warning signs and symptoms that could indicate undiagnosed cancer. If cancer is the cause, early detection by doctors greatly improves the chances of successfully treating the condition.
Though the signs and symptoms described below do not necessarily indicate cancer, do not ignore them. If you experience any of these symptoms, analyze your symptoms and get an appointment with a doctor soon.
There are more than 200 types of cancer. The most common types include lung, prostate, breast, ovarian, bladder, colorectal, kidney (renal), pancreatic, and endometrial cancers as well as melanoma and leukemia.
The survival rate for most of these cancers, especially lung cancer, is often quite poor because more often than not, they are not diagnosed until they are already in an advanced stage, making them harder to treat.
cancer warning signs
Here are some warning signs of cancer that you need to be aware of and address appropriately if you experience them.

1. Unexplained weight loss

Unexplained weight loss is often one of the first noticeable signs of cancer. It is particularly common in people suffering from solid tumor cancers like breast and lung cancer.
Weight loss often occurs when a cancer spreads to the liver and impairs its functioning, especially related to regulating appetite and removing toxins. Weight loss can also be an early sign of colon or other digestive cancers.
Unexplained weight loss is so common that:
  • as many as 40 percent of cancer patients report unexplained weight loss at the time of diagnosis, and
  • unexplained weight loss and cachexia (general ‘wasting’) are experienced in up to 80 percent of cases of advanced cancer.
If you have not been trying to drop some pounds by exercising and watching your diet but you are losing weight anyways, consult a healthcare provider. Losing 10 pounds a month or up to 10 percent of your weight in a span of six months can be cause for concern.

2. Frequent fevers or infections

Though a fever may simply indicate that your body is fighting an infection, a persistent or prolonged fever can be a sign of a cancerous condition, such as lymphoma. Leukemia, a cancer of the blood cells, can also cause symptoms like frequent infections, fevers, fatigue, aches, and other flu-like symptoms.

3. Weakness and fatigue

Weakness and fatigue that does not diminish, even when you get more sleep and rest, should be evaluated by a doctor. It can be a sign of a variety of cancers, so you and your doctor will need to consider other symptoms as well.

4. Wheezing or shortness of breath

Though wheezing and shortness of breath can be caused by a variety of conditions, these symptoms can be associated with lung cancer too. When a tumor in a lung presses against and narrows an airway, it may lead to wheezing – a whistling sound that occurs during exhalation due to constricted airways.

5. Chronic cough and chest pain

At times, symptoms of cancers like leukemia and lung tumors can mimic a bad cough or bronchitis. The problem may persist or come-and-go in repeating cycles. There may also be chest pain extending into the shoulder or down the arm. Consult a doctor if you experience any of these symptoms.
Also, get yourself checked by a doctor if you have a cough and hoarse voice for more than six weeks, especially if you smoke or have smoked in the past. Occasionally, a hoarse voice may be a symptom of laryngeal, thyroid, esophageal, or lung cancer.

6. Bloating

Unexplained abdominal bloating continuing on-and-off over a long period of time may be sign of ovarian cancer. Bloating accompanied by pelvic pain, swelling in the abdomen, and feeling full may be another tip-off to this condition. Similarly, pain or bloating in the stomach after eating can be a sign of stomach cancer.

7. Chronic heartburn

Heartburn is usually a symptom of acid reflux disease, but if it is persistent, it may be associated with Barrett’s esophagus or esophageal cancer.
A study published in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology in May 2012 found that inflammation of the tissue lining in the esophagus caused by chronic heartburn may increase the risk of esophageal cancer.
Moreover, a study by researchers at Rhode Island Hospital discovered a pathway linking Barrett’s esophagus to the development of esophageal cancer. The research was published in the American Journal of Cell Physiology in 2013.

8. Bowel problems

If you notice a change in your bowel habits that lasts four weeks or longer for no obvious reason, consult your doctor as it may be a sign of bowel cancer, especially in older adults.

9. Difficulty swallowing

Trouble swallowing, or the feeling that food is stuck in the throat or chest, that gets worse with time can be a symptom of esophageal or throat cancer. Symptoms of these cancers also include pain or a burning sensation when swallowing food.
Esophageal cancer typically does not cause symptoms initially, so do not ignore these symptoms if they occur. Similarly, difficulty swallowing can be one of the first signs of lung cancer.

10. Jaundice

Jaundice is characterized by yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes. Though it is mostly considered a symptom of liver or gallbladder disease, it can also be caused by pancreatic cancer interfering with the bile duct and liver.

11. Unusual swelling or lumps in the body

Unusual lumps on the breasts, testicles, groin, neck, abdomen, underarms, or other parts of the body should be thoroughly checked by a doctor, especially if they last for three weeks or more.
At times, an enlarged lymph node or lump under the arm can be a sign of breast cancer. Red, sore, swollen breasts may indicate inflammatory breast cancer.

12. New or changing skin spots or moles

Changes on your skin rarely cause pain and often pose little or no health concerns, but experts recommend screening for cancer when you see:
  • new growths, spots, or sores on the skin that won’t heal, or
  • changes in symmetry, border, color or diameter of an existing mole.

13. Changes in nails

Unusual changes in fingernails can indicate several types of cancers, such as skin, liver, or lung cancer. While each of the following changes can occur for many reasons, they could be warning signs of cancer.
  • Black or brown spots under your nails may indicate skin cancer.
  • Clubbing of the fingers or toes (enlarged ends of the nails) may be associated with lung cancer. Diseases that reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood cause this problem.
  • Pale or white nails may indicate poor liver functioning, which may be due to various diseases including liver cancer.

14. Pelvic or abdominal pain

Pelvic or lower abdominal pain, accompanied by pelvic heaviness, may be a symptom of ovarian cancer. It may also cause changes in bathroom habits. Generally, women are more at risk of developing ovarian cancer if they:
  • have never been pregnant,
  • have a family history of ovarian, breast, or colorectal cancer, or
  • have been diagnosed with breast, colon, rectum or uterine cancer.
Plus, pain in the pelvic area may be a sign of uterine cancer or leukemia (when pain is due to an enlarged spleen).

15. Unexplained pain lasting more than four weeks

Though aches and pains tend to be vague, if you experience persistent unexplained pain or if it comes-and-goes over a period of four weeks or more, then it is better to get the problem checked by a doctor. Pain is often an early symptom of bone or testicular cancer.

16. Abnormal bleeding

Blood in your urine, though sometimes a symptom of a urinary tract infection, can be caused by bladder or kidney cancer. Similarly, blood in stools, though a common sight among those who have hemorrhoids, can be a symptom of bowel cancer.
Bleeding between periods or after menopause may indicate endometrial or uterine cancer. In rare cases, vaginal bleeding may be due to vaginal cancer. Bleeding from the gastrointestinal tract may be a sign of colorectal cancer.
Vomiting blood and coughing up blood may be signs of stomach or esophageal cancer and lung cancer, respectively. Excessive bruising and bleeding that does not stop could be signs of leukemia. While abnormal bleeding can be caused by other illnesses too, it still needs to be evaluated by a doctor.
So, apart from getting your recommended health check-ups and cancer screenings, be sure to keep an eye on the symptoms mentioned above. Try to adopt the “better safe than sorry” approach and get these symptoms checked out by a doctor, particularly if you do not have health issues that would otherwise cause such symptoms.

Originally Published:
Filed UnderCancer • Featured

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Radioactive Plume From Fukushima Makes Landfall on America’s West Coast

  21  5 
Tillamook County, Oregon — Seaborne cesium 134, the so-called “fingerprint of Fukushima,” has been detected on US shores for the first time researchers from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI) said this month.
WHOI is a crowd-funded science seawater sampling project, that has been monitoring the radioactive plume making its way across the Pacific to America’s west coast, from the demolished Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in eastern Japan.
The seawater samples were taken from the shores of Tillamook Bay and Gold Beach, and were actually obtained in January and February of 2016 and tested later in the year.
In other strikingly similar news reported last month, researchers at the Fukushima InFORM project in Canada, led by University of Victoria chemical oceanographer Jay Cullen, said they sampled a sockeye salmon from Okanagan Lake in British Columbia that tested positive for cesium 134 as well.
Multiple other reports have circulated online, mostly in alternative media outlets, and mostly not corroborated by any tangible measurement data, that point to cases of possible radioactive contamination of Canadian salmon, but EnviroNews Oregon has not independently confirmed any of these claims.
Testing Fish for Radiation in Sushi Restaurant
Cesium 134 is called the “footprint of Fukushima” because of its fast rate of decay. With a half life of only 2.06 years, there are few other places the dangerous and carcinogenic isotope could have originated.
It is important to note that airborne radioactive fallout from the initial explosion and meltdowns at Fukushima in 2011 reached the US and Canada within days, and circled the globe falling out wherever the currents and precipitation carried it — mostly to places unknown to this day. Even still, radioactive iodine 131 was found in municipal water supplies in places like Pennsylvania and Massachusetts shortly after the initial Fukushima accident — a triple meltdown ranked by EnviroNews USA as the most destructive environmental catastrophe in human history.
The samples from the Oregon coast measured around 0.3 becquerels per cubic meter for cesium 134. Researchers in both the US and Canada said the recently detected radiation levels were extremely low and pose “no risk to humans or the environment.” Sadly, NBC, the New York PostUSA Today, and even The Inquisitr amongst others, took the bait and reported the same thing.
Medical science and epidemiological studies have demonstrated time and again that there is no safe amount of radiation for a living organism to be subjected to — period. With each subsequent exposure, no matter how small, the subject experiences an increase in cancer risk. In the wake of Fukushima, several governments, and certainly the Japanese government, have raised the “safe” annual limit for radiation exposure for humans — this critics say, to lower legal liability and to placate concerns from the public, in an increasingly radioactive world. Now, many concerned citizens look on in concern, waiting for more testing and data on ocean waters and the seafood they so greatly enjoy.

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