Monday, February 25, 2019

9 Signs you have Leaky Gut

       Did you know that if you’re dealing with symptoms ranging from seasonal allergies to brain fog to skin issues to hormone imbalances that the true source could be your gut? That’s because the gut truly is the gateway to health. It’s where nearly 80% of your immune system lives and where up to 95% of your serotonin (the primary neurotransmitter responsible for your mood) is produced. If your gut is healthy, chances are that you are in good health.
However, there’s a condition called leaky gut that can lead to a whole host of health problems and set you on the path to chronic illness. The symptoms caused by leaky gut go far beyond digestive issues. And thanks to our modern environment, leaky gut is much more common than you’d think. In fact, millions of people are struggling with leaky gut without even knowing it!
You can also view my video on the topic below:

What is Leaky Gut?

Think of your gut as a drawbridge. Your gut is naturally semi-permeable to let teeny-tiny boats (micronutrients) pass through your intestinal tract and into your bloodstream. It’s how you absorb your food. Certain external factors, including food, infections, toxins, and stress, can break apart the tight junctions in your intestinal wall, leaving the drawbridge open. Once this happens, you have a leaky gut. When your gut is leaky, much larger boats that were never meant to get through (toxins, microbes, and undigested food particles) can escape into your bloodstream. Your immune system marks these “foreign invaders” as pathogens and attacks them. The immune response to these invaders can appear in the form of any of the nine signs you have a leaky gut, which are listed below.

9 Signs You Have a Leaky Gut

  1. Digestive issues such as gas, bloating, diarrhea, or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  2. Food allergies or food intolerances
  3. Brain fog, difficulty concentrating, ADD or ADHD
  4. Mood imbalances such as depression and anxiety
  5. Skin issues such as acne, rosacea, or eczema
  6. Seasonal allergies or asthma
  7. Hormonal imbalances such as irregular periods, PMS, or PCOS
  8. Diagnosis of an autoimmune disease such as rheumatoid arthritis, Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, lupus, psoriasis, or celiac disease
  9. Diagnosis of chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia
Find out if you have a leaky gut with this free quiz!

What Causes Leaky Gut?

The main culprits are foods, infections, toxins, and stress. Gluten is the number one cause of leaky gut. Gluten causes the gut cells to release zonulin, a protein that can break apart the tight junctions in your intestinal lining. Other inflammatory foods (such as dairy) or toxic foods (such as sugar and excessive alcohol) are suspected as well. The most common infectious causes are candida overgrowth, intestinal parasites, and small intestine bacterial overgrowth (SIBO). Toxins come in the form of medications including NSAIDS (Motrin and Advil), steroids, antibiotics, and acid-reducing drugs, as well as environmental toxins including mercury, pesticides, and BPA from plastics. Stress can also contribute to a leaky gut.

The Leaky Gut and Autoimmune Connection

When your gut is leaky and more and more particles are able to escape into your bloodstream, your immune system reacts by sending out wave after wave of inflammation to attack the foreign invaders. This state of high alert causes your immune system to become overstressed and fire less accurately, sometimes leading your own tissues to get caught in the crosshairs. Eventually, this will develop into full-blown autoimmunity if your gut is not repaired.
In addition, your immune system starts making antibodies against the substances that have escaped into your bloodstream. Many of these foreign invaders–gluten and dairy in particular–look very similar to your own body’s cells, causing your immune system to get confused and accidentally attack your tissues. This process of mistaken identity is called molecular mimicry, and is another way that leaky gut can trigger autoimmune disease.
We know from the research of Dr. Alessio Fasano that leaky gut is a necessary precondition for developing an autoimmune disease.1 And, once you have an autoimmune disease, leaving your leaky gut untreated can cause your condition to progress and places you at higher risk of developing another autoimmune disease.

How Do You Repair a Leaky Gut?

In my clinic, and in all of my books and online programs, the very first place I have anyone start is by repairing their gut using the 4R approach, which is as follows:
  1. Remove. Remove all inflammatory foods that can damage your gut such as gluten, dairy, corn, soy, and eggs, as well as toxic foods, including sugar, caffeine, and alcohol. You’ll also want to eliminate any gut infections you have, whether caused by Candida overgrowthSmall Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO), or parasites.
  2. Replace. Replace the good. Adding digestive enzymes to your regimen will help support optimal digestion and nutrient absorption, as well as assist your body’s intestinal repair and inflammation responses.
  3. Reinoculate. Restore the beneficial bacteria in your gut with high-quality, high-potency probiotics to reestablish a healthy microbiome. I recommend 100 billion CFUs (colony forming units) while dealing with a leaky gut, and 30 billion CFUs as a maintenance dose.
  4. Repair. Provide your gut with the essential nutrients it needs to repair itself. My most comprehensive weapon against leaky gut is Leaky Gut Revive™ powder, which contains powerful gut-repairing ingredients l-glutamine, aloe, deglycyrrhizinated licorice, arabinogalactan, slippery elm and marshmallow root. With these ingredients, Leaky Gut Revive™ nourishes and soothes your gut cells, restores your gut’s natural mucosal lining, and maximizes gut-mending fatty acid production. Another one of my favorite supplements is collagen which is rich in amino acids that quite literally, “seal the leaks” or perforations in your gut by repairing damaged cells and building new tissue.
Repairing your gut is the first step in restoring your health. By overcoming leaky gut, you can reverse your symptoms, reduce your risk for a number of chronic illnesses, and start living your best life!
Published by Dr Amy Myers

Article Sources


Saturday, February 23, 2019

How Modern Technology Is Destroying Our Children’s Health And What To Do About It

Posted by Lloyd Burrell on February 23, 2019 under Cell phone danger and children | Be the First to Comment
Children nowadays are growing up with technology as being “normal.” They cannot remember a time when it was not part of the fabric of their daily routines and connections.
They are part of an enormous un-tested physical and social experiment that has never before had such a far-reaching, worldwide impact.
Electronics are having a profound effect on the physical, emotional, mental, and social well-being of our youth.
The stakes are high. incalculable. We don’t really know how this is going to turn out. But it’s not looking good.
child radiation emfs

Is There Anything We Can Do?

Yes. There are many practical solutions. Steps you can take right now.Habits that can begin to reduce the dangerous levels of exposure your children are getting from the ubiquitous presence of both wired and wireless technology.
Let’s face it. We are not going to give up our electronic devices. They are here to stay. They provide many useful benefits. And you would be hard-pressed to expect a 14-year old to throw the cell phone, tablet, laptop, etc. out the window.
Still, there are many hidden hazards associated with electronics that should be taken very, very seriously.
So, let’s learn how to use these devices in a safer manner than we are currently doing.
But first,

Why Is This So Urgent?

Your Child is in Physical Danger

Picture for a minute, your child or teen
  • Walking with their cell phone pressed up to their head,
  • Standing, texting, holding the phone an inch away from their sternum,
  • Sitting with a laptop or tablet next to vital organs,
  • For hours and hours, every day, and into the night.
Is there any part of your child’s body you would not want to protect from radiation?

Clear Evidence Of Cancer

The landmark study from the National Toxicology Program of the US Department of Health and Human Services concluded that there is “clear evidence” that radiation from mobile phones causes cancer [1,2].
To date, there are over 5,000 scientific, peer reviewed research projects showing strong correlation between electromagnetic radiation and a host of diseases and disorders including:
  • brain tumors,
  • neurological disorders,
  • childhood leukemia,
  • and autism.
Sadly, the list is actually much, much longer. [3]
The young are particularly vulnerable to the ravages of this invisible electromagnetic radiation.
Think about their
• tiny bodies,
• thin skulls,
• and developing brains.
It’s not hard to understand that the radiation emitted from digital devices penetrates deeply into the brain and other organs of a child, with an absorption rate twice that of an adult [4].
And, let’s not forget the potential harm to the pre-born child in the womb of a mother who constantly places electronic devices on her lap [5,6]. Or who, during pregnancy, lives in a location where high magnetic fields are measured [7].
pregnant lady radiation
And that’s just the assault on our physical bodies.
Regrettably, it is wreaking havoc on the mental and emotional development of our children and young people as well.

Technology is Altering the Mental, Emotional, and Social Landscape of our Youth

Look how smart my child is. She can maneuver the internet better than I can.
Not so fast. There’s a different and dark side to this story that should give you pause.
The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has long been advising against kids’ excessive use of screens as well as exposure to all wireless radiation-emitting devices.
There’s plenty of research that suggests that the more children use technology, the more likely they will be harmed behaviorally, educationally, emotionally, mentally, physically, psychically, and spiritually.
Check out these disturbing articles:
Toddlers and Screens: More Than 1 Hour a Day Can Cause Developmental Delays and Have Lasting Effects on Attention, Language, Memory, Social and Motor Skill [8].
Too Much Screen Time Can Have Lasting Consequences for Young Children’s Brains [9]
Too Much Toddler Screen Time Tied to Worse Social, Motor Skills by Kindergarten [10]
Excessive Screen Time for Kids Can Cause Developmental Delays by Kindergarten [11]
Association Between Screen Time and Children’s Performance on a Developmental Screening Test [12]
And don’t underestimate your own powers of observation. Just look around you at the young children who are bent over their electronic devices and ask yourself – Where is the language development and eye contact? Where are the subtle emotional cues of an interactive live conversation…and the rich give-and-take rhythms of communication?
child cellphone radiation

“But My Child Plays Educational Games”

The “gamification” of education is not living up to its promises. While there may be limited value in some “educational games,” I wouldn’t put too much stock in them.
Electronic educational technologies have not resulted in better academic achievement globally. Technology is good for industry money. Questionable for learning [13,14].
Let’s compare what happens when your child watches a story on a tablet versus when he or she reads a book or is read to.
Books require the child to construct a mental and emotional image of the setting, characters, the tone, and the unfolding plot. The sights and sounds of the story are created in his mind. This is an important cognitive process for language and creative development [15].
The tech-story bypasses this crucial creative translation and spoon-feeds images and sounds instantaneously.
No need to imagine,
to create,
to wonder.
The screen does that for your child.

A Lifetime of Consequences

Chilling words from Dr. Liraz Margalit in her article: “What Screen Time Can Really Do to Kids’ Brains: Too much at the worst possible age can have lifetime consequences [16].”
Pause. Let that sink in.

Does Your Teen Have CRS?

C.R.S. – Can’t Remember Stuff.
A study engaging nearly 700 Swiss teens showed significant memory loss linked to time spent on electronic devices [17].
Memories – Poof – Zap – Gone.
And, the link between digital dosing and ADD/ADHD is clear. The more teens check social media and stream video, the more likely they are to develop symptoms of attention disorder [18].
The brain was not intended for constant interruptive stimulation such as a teen experiences when switching back and forth between screens – text, phone call, Facebook, Instagram, text, Twitter, You Tube, now Google, more texting, back to Instagram, back to texting, gotta catch this call – all within a couple minutes.
Repeat. All day, every day, into the night.
It’s no wonder that many of our young people are losing the ability for linear, sustained thought.
And digital addiction is a growing plague. The persuasive design of apps is intentional and effective. And the variable ratio reward system that is mined into video games is designed to stimulate and produce a dopamine hit to the brain, not unlike that of heroin or cocaine [19].
Of course digital devices can be addicting. Why wouldn’t they be?
The symptoms include extreme anxiety upon separation from technology, depression, insomnia, and other psychological disruptions. Digital detox programs are sometimes necessary to bring child addicts back to the point where they can function.

Take the Quiz – Electronic Screen Syndrome (ESS)

Dr. Victoria Dunkley has been an outspoken harbinger of the disastrous effects of technology on the psyche of children. She calls it Electronic Screen Syndrome. ESS is marked by hyper-arousal, or being “revved up,” and an inability to regulate emotions and stress levels.
Answer 25 questions to determine to what degree your child may be affected by digital devices. (Follow the link below.)
screentime dangers kids

We Can’t Just, “Un-Plug.” So, What Can We Do?

We cannot escape the growing presence of EMF exposure. And it would be difficult to function in our modern world without technology. But we can develop some habits and boundaries that will greatly reduce the exposure to harmful radiation and the effects of tech overload on our children.

What to do? These are Brilliant Resources!

• The American Academy of Pediatrics has developed a Family Media Use Plan. They provide guidelines for different age groups and an online template to bring balance to the family’s use of electronics. Oddly, they use technology to solve a technology problem. But it works. And kids can be part of the solution.
• The ElectricSense website has two categories on the menu bar that would be particularly helpful; Cell Phone Radiation and EMFs in Your Life. Take a look. They include valuable, up-to-date information on EMFs in schools and the effects on youth. Arm your kids with cutting-edge truth and practical solutions.
• The Environmental Health Trust is a wealth of both scientific knowledge and practical resources for families. The Take Action category has many high-interest social media graphics and political action steps that have high teen-appeal. Get your kids on this site:
• Parents for Safe Technology is a super family-friendly site with many resources including what various countries are doing around the world to create safe school environments. Make this site part of your child’s next school report on a country.
• And you can download a pop-art style tri-fold brochure on Ten Ways to Lower Your Exposure to Harmful Radiation Right Now:
Get your children involved in the research and in the process of achieving iBalance.
Does your teen like science? Turn them on to the scientific evidence of the dangers of electromagnetic radiation.
Is your teen drawn to drama and conspiracy? Let them research the cover-up of the hazards of electro-smog.
Is your teen an aspiring activist? Encourage positive steps to bring change to school policies.
It might not be easy, especially at first. But it will be worth it.

Children may not be 100% of our population, but they are 100% of our future!

wifi dangers children

Start With What You Can Do Right Now – Baby Steps, Baby Steps

1. Move your charging stations out of the bedrooms.
2. Remove all electronics from the dinner table and the bedrooms.
3. Turn off your router / WiFi at night.
4. Use speaker phone whenever possible.
5. When carrying your cell phone on your body, turn Airplane ON and Bluetooth and WiFi OFF. This is the only safe way to carry a cell phone. (Note – You will not receive messages in this mode, so remember to reverse this when you are no longer carrying your phone on your body.)
6. Involve your children in researching the best ways to gain control of radiation exposure and electronic device intrusion using the resources listed above.
7. Let your children know that this is important to you and to their safety and health – and that you are not eliminating technology; but learning to master it.
8. Get input from your children and agree on more low-tech family fun – hiking, biking, cooking, board games, concerts, travel, etc.
9. Propose to your teens that not being available via electronics 24/7 might be a cool thing, adding a certain, “mystique,” or “independence” to their social media persona.
10. If you suspect serious digital addiction, you may want to seek professional help.
11. Read, read, read to your young children.
12. Ramp up physical touch, hugs, conversations with intentional eye contact.

There Is A Lot More To This Story

Our children are “guinea pigs” in this huge, un-tested, highly-lucrative experiment. There is a lot more to this story. But you have the resources to search out the truth. And to begin to lower exposure to harmful electromagnetic radiation and the tech overload that harms the precious and irreplaceable bodies and souls of our children.
Begin today. And may God have mercy on our children.
Lois Cadwallader EMF writer
Many thanks to Lois Cadwallader for this guest post.
Author bio: Lois Cadwallader, MA, has been a professional educator all her life. She lives in Las Vegas, Nevada and enjoys volunteering in after-school clubs, hiking and cycling. She is the co-author of Exposed: The Electronic Sickening of America and How to Protect Yourself.

1. National Toxicology Program. “Cell Phone Radio Frequency Radiation,” from the rat and mouse studies, November, 2018. Retrieved from
2. Environmental Health Trust. “Clear Evidence Of Cancer Concludes U.S. National Toxicology Program Expert Panel On Cell Phone Radiation,” March 2018 Retrieved from
3. Sage, C. (Ed.) BioInitiative 2012 – A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF). Rensselaer, NY: University at Albany, 2012. Retrieved from
4. ElectricSense. “Cell Phones and Cancer – Evidence is Clear Children are More at Risk” Retrieved from
5. Sage, C., Burgio, E. “Electromagnetic Fields, Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation, and Epigenetics: How Wireless Technologies May Affect Childhood Development,” Child Development January/February 2018, Volume 89, Number 1, Pages 129–136 Retrieved from
6. Williams PM, Fletcher S. “Health Effects of Prenatal Radiation Exposure,” Am Fam Physician [Internet]. 2010 [cited 2017 Dec 26]; 82: 488–93.
7. Li, Di-Kun, et al. “Exposure to Magnetic Field Non-Ionizing Radiation and the Risk of Miscarriage: A Prospective Cohort Study,” Scientific Reports volume 7, Article number: 17541 (2017); doi:10.1038/s41598-017-16623-8. Retrieved from
8. Frank, B.N. “Toddlers and Screens: More Than 1 Hour a Day Can Cause Developmental Delays and Have Lasting Effects on Attention, Language, Memory, Social and Motor Skill,” January 2019. Retrieved from
9. Park, Alice. “Too Much Screen Time Can Have Lasting Consequences for Young Children’s Brains Article by Alice Park,” January 2019. Retrieved from
10.Rapaport,Lisa. “Too much toddler screen time tied to worse social, motor skills by kindergarten,” January 2019. Retrieved from
11.“Excessive Screen Time for Kids Can Cause Developmental Delays by Kindergarten,” Retrieved from
12.Madigan, Sheri PhD, et al. “Association Between Screen Time and Children’s Performance on a Developmental Screening Test,” JAMA January 2019. Retrieved from
13.Sage, C., Burgio, E. “Electromagnetic Fields, Pulsed Radiofrequency Radiation, and Epigenetics: How Wireless Technologies May Affect Childhood Development,” Child Development January/February 2018, Volume 89, Number 1, Pages 129–136 Retrieved from
14.Environmental Health Trust. Schools Worldwide Removing the Wi-Fi and Reducing Exposure. Retrieved from
15.Blackmore, Caroline, Weston, Barbara. Every Word Counts. 2016
16.Margalit, Liraz, PhD. “What Screen Time Can Really Do to Kids’ Brains: Too much at the worst possible age can have lifetime consequences,” Psychology Today, April 17 2016. Retrieved from
17.Foerster, Milena, et al. “A Prospective Cohort Study of Adolescents’ Memory Performance and Individual Brain Dose of Microwave Radiation from Wireless Communication.” Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute in Basel, Switzerland. July 2018. Retrieved from
18.Ra, Chaelin K., MPH, Cho, Junhan, PhD. “Association of Digital Media Use With Subsequent Symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Among Adolescents.” JAMA 2018;320(3):255-263. July 2018. Retrieved from
19.Huddleston, Brad. Digital Cocaine: A Journey Toward iBalance [eBook], Christian Art Publishers, 2016.
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Friday, February 22, 2019


Written by Dr. Joseph Mercola


  • Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogenic herb, meaning it helps your body manage and adapt to stress by balancing your immune system, metabolism and hormonal systems
  • Withanolides — naturally occurring steroids — in ashwagandha suppress pathways responsible for several inflammation-based illnesses, including arthritis, asthma, hypertension, osteoporosis and cancer
  • Withanolides also have immunomodulating properties, while somniferin, an alkaloid in ashwagandha, promotes relaxation and sound sleep
  • Ashwagandha supports sexual and reproductive health in both men and women. In men, it helps boost testosterone levels, and has been shown to improve semen quality in infertile men
  • In women, ashwagandha’s ability to rebalance hormones (including thyroid hormone, estrogen and progesterone) has been shown to improve polycystic ovary syndrome and relieve menopausal symptoms
Known as a multipurpose herb and "rejuvenator" used in ancient Ayurvedic and Chinese medicine for thousands of years, ashwagandha1 (Withania somnifera) is a plant native to India with a host of bioactive functions.
Ashwagandha is a member of the Solanaceae family along with eggplant and tomato. It bears light green flowers that evolve to bright red fruit and is able to survive extreme temperatures and widely varying altitudes.2
In Sanskrit, the word ashwagandha means "odor of a horse." The likeness refers not only to the odor of the plant's root but the essence of strength it's said to deliver. It's a powerful adaptogenic3 herb, meaning it helps your body manage and adapt to stress4 by balancing your immune system,5metabolism and hormonal systems.6
Ashwagandha also has natural pain reliever (analgesic) properties,7 can help increase physical strength, and its rejuvenating effects can promote general health when used regularly. While some adaptogens are stimulants in disguise, this is not the case with ashwagandha. It can give your morning exercise routine a boost, and when taken prior to bed it can help you get a good night's sleep as well.

The Main Bioactive Components in Ashwagandha

Flavonoids and other compounds are the active ingredients that give ashwagandha its many powerful properties. In one study,8 bioactive withanolides — naturally occurring steroids — in ashwagandha were identified as agents that suppress pathways responsible for several inflammation-based illnesses, including arthritis, asthma, hypertension, osteoporosis9 and cancer.
Withanolides in ashwagandha also have immunomodulating properties,10 described as substances that can either stimulate or suppress your immune system to help fight infections, cancer and other diseases.
One of the alkaloids in ashwagandha, called somniferin, helps promote relaxation and sound sleep. In fact, the botanical name "somnifera" means the herb induces sleep. A study11 at the University of Tsukuba in Japan also found it relieves related problems such as insomnia and restless leg syndrome.

Ashwagandha Eases Stress and Anxiety

As an adaptogen, ashwagandha is frequently used to support healthy adrenal function, which can be adversely affected by persistent stress, be it physical or psychological. Research shows the root reduces cortisol levels, restores insulin sensitivity and helps to stabilize mood.12
In one placebo-controlled clinical trial,13 volunteers with a history of chronic stress who took 300 milligrams (mg) of ashwagandha twice a day reported significant reductions in stress, and testing revealed their cortisol levels decreased by an average of nearly 28 percent after 60 days of supplementation.
In another study,14 patients diagnosed with moderate to severe anxiety who were treated with ashwagandha reported "significantly decreased" symptoms compared to those undergoing more conventional interventions.
A third study15 found "empirical evidence to support the traditional use of [ashwagandha] to aid in mental process engaging GABAergic signaling." According to the authors:
"Our results provide evidence indicating that key constituents in [ashwagandha] may have an important role in the development of pharmacological treatments for neurological disorders associated with GABAergic signaling dysfunction such as general anxiety disorders, sleep disturbances, muscle spasms and seizures."
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Ashwagandha for Sexual Health and Fertility

Ashwagandha also supports sexual and reproductive health in both men and women, and may be used as an aid to boost your libido. In men struggling with infertility, ashwagandha has been shown to balance their luteinizing hormone,16 which controls reproductive organ function in both men and women. Ashwagandha can also help boost testosterone levels in men,17,18 which can have a beneficial effect on libido and sexual performance.
In one placebo-controlled trial,19 men between the ages of 18 and 50 were given either a placebo or 300 mg of ashwagandha root extract twice a day in addition to participating in a strength training program. After eight weeks, those taking ashwagandha had greater increases in testosterone, muscle size and strength, compared to those taking a placebo.
It's also been shown to improve the quality of semen in infertile men,20 in part by inhibiting reactive oxygen species and improving essential metal concentrations, including zinc, iron and copper levels. Other research21 suggests ashwagandha improves semen quality by regulating important reproductive hormones.
In otherwise healthy women, ashwagandha has been shown to improve arousal, lubrication, orgasm and overall sexual satisfaction.22 In addition, ashwagandha's ability to rebalance hormones (including thyroid hormone, estrogen and progesterone) has been shown to improve polycystic ovary syndrome23 and relieve symptoms associated with menopause.24

The Many Health Benefits of Ashwagandha

In Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is classified as "Rasayana," a type of essence that helps in the healing of the body and the lengthening of life,25 and when you consider the many varied health benefits of this herb, it's easy to see how it might influence longevity.
Importantly, a number of studies have shown this exotic herb can treat several diseases and disorders better than medications — without all the side effects. For example, studies show ashwagandha has antitumor and blood production (hemopoietic) capabilities, and benefits the cardiopulmonary, endocrine and central nervous systems, all "with little or no associated toxicity."26 Ashwagandha has also been shown to:27,28,29,30,31,32
Support healthy levels of total lipids, cholesterol and triglycerides that are already in the normal range
Enhance radiation therapy effects33 by reducing tumor GSH levels.34 It also reversed paclitaxel-induced neutropenia (low neutrophil count, a type of white blood cell) in mice35
Counteract osteoporosis36 (reduced bone density)
Protect your brain from oxidative stress,37 and lower your risk of Alzheimer's38,39
Stimulate proper thyroid function40 and treat subclinical hypothyroid — In one double-blind, placebo-controlled study,41 ashwagandha was pitted against some of the most popular drugs targeted for hypothyroid patients. The study involved 50 participants with elevated serum thyroid hormone (TSH), all between the ages of 18 and 50.
Divided into two groups, each was given either ashwagandha treatments or starch as a placebo for eight weeks. According to the researchers, ashwagandha effectively and significantly normalized serum thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), T3 and T4 levels, compared to placebo, stating such treatment may be beneficial for hypothyroid patients.
As explained by Thyroid Advisor,42 ashwagandha "directs THS hormone to travel to the pituitary. TSH triggers the thyroid gland to produce sufficient amounts of T4 and T3."
Reduce blood pressure43
Inhibit inflammation — In animal studies, ashwagandha was found to be more effective against inflammation than phenylbutazone44 or hydrocortisone45
Protect nerve function and oxidation46
Provide natural pain relief47
Combat insomnia and promote relaxation
Nourish and protect your liver
Increase red blood cell production
Improve adrenal function48
Lower irritability, edginess and anxiety
Increase energy and endurance
Promote healthy immune function
Improve incontinence
Treatment aid for Type 2 diabetes
Improve conjunctivitis
Treatment aid for vitiligo
Ease symptoms of Parkinson's disease
Improve hyperglycemia
Improve memory and cognitive function by slowing down the deterioration of brain cells, repairing brain cell damage and rebuilding neuronal networks and synapses
Improve cardiovascular health — Ashwagandha helps maintain your heart health through its regulation of blood circulation. It helps prevent blood clots, and helps keep blood pressure levels within the normal range, which prevents the stress from burdening your heart49
Maintain youthful appearance of skin — Ashwagandha increases your estrogen levels, which in turn triggers the production of collagen. This allows the skin to keep its youthful appearance and helps in the production of natural oils. It also fights off free radicals that cause wrinkles, dark spots and blemishes50
Aid wound healing — Ashwagandha root powder can be used topically as a poultice to help treat wounds. Mix the powder with water to make a smooth paste, and apply to the wound. It will help fight off bacteria, alleviate pain and speed up the healing process
Treat arthritis — Ashwagandha has been noted in Ayurvedic manuscripts as well as modern medicine as being an effective remedy for both rheumatoid arthritis (Amavata) and osteoarthritis (Sandhi-gata Vata).51
According to one study,52 "Patients of rheumatoid arthritis receiving Ashwagandha root powder showed excellent response. Their pain and swelling completely disappeared. A double-blind placebo controlled study, combining Ashwagandha, turmeric and zinc showed significant improvement in pain and inflammation"

Possible Ashwagandha Side Effects and Contraindications

While generally safe, well-tolerated and nontoxic, side effects can still occur. Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center cites case reports showing side effects from ashwagandha may include:
  • Nausea, headache, stomach irritation and loose stools
  • Drowsiness
  • Overactive thyroid
  • Burning, itching and discoloration of skin/mucous membrane
  • Irregular heartbeat, dizziness
Ashwagandha is also contraindicated53 for, and should not be used by pregnant women, as it may induce abortion; breast-feeding women, as it may have an effect on your child; and people taking sedatives, as ashwagandha may augment the sedative effects. While ashwagandha appears to be beneficial for thyroid problems, if you have a thyroid disorder, use caution and consult with your doctor, as you may need to tweak any medications you're taking for it.

Beware of Adulterated Ashwagandha Products

Needless to say, making sure you're getting a high-quality product is of utmost importance. To ensure effectiveness, I recommend using 100 percent organic Ashwagandha root, free of fillers, additives and excipients. Unfortunately, adulterated ashwagandha products have been found on the market, so buyer beware.
A bulletin54 by the Botanical Adulterants Prevention Program reveals many ashwagandha root powders and root extracts manufactured in India are being adulterated by adding leaves, stems and aerial parts of the plant, without declaring this on the label. In some tests, up to 80 percent of products were found to be adulterated in this manner.
This fraudulent addition on undeclared plant material is a cost-saving strategy that results in an inferior product with questionable efficacy. As noted in the bulletin, the price difference between roots and leaves is significant, with high-quality roots selling between $2.46 and $3.56 per metric ton, compared to just 34 to 82 cents per metric ton for dried leaves.
The bulletin also cites investigations showing there's a wide variety in concentration of withaferin A between products — in this particular case, products manufactured in India — with levels of this natural steroid ranging from 0.02 to 2.34 mg per gram of ashwagandha root, depending on the brand. The addition of other materials from the plant is suspected to be one of the reasons for this wide variance in quality.
The take-home message is, when buying ashwagandha, it's worth doing your homework to make sure you're getting a quality product.