I originally heard about coconut oil nearly 4 years ago, when my son was born. We used cloth diapers, but traditional diaper creams can damage the absorbency of cloth. It was the recommended alternative and it worked great. I still keep a big jar of it in his room.
Overtime our use of this oil expanded beyond the baby’s room and into the kitchen. It became my go to oil for cooking and baking. Where had this secret oil been all my life?
Now, it seems coconut oil isn’t such a secret anymore. It’s found in nearly all grocery stores and has become a household staple for many families because of the vast number of uses. In addition to it’s health benefits, it makes an excellent swap out for other oils, lotions, and household products. There are even a few uses you probably never even thought of that can make your life a little easier. Speaking of easier, you can find coconut oil for a significant savings from Thrive Market and it gets shipped directly to your door.
Disclosure: Bookieboo LLC has an affiliate relationship with Thrive Market, a member based online shopping club that can save you 25%-50% off of retail on healthy foods and products. Bookieboo LLC has also worked with Nutiva.

How can you benefit from coconut oil?

There have been numerous peer reviewed studies on coconut oil and it’s properties. This tropical oil is free of trans-fats and is a medium chain triglyceride (MCT), a medium length fatty acid. These types of fatty acids are metabolized differently and head straight for the liver. This gives an energy boost in the form of kentone bodies, and has also been linked to improvements in Alzheimer’s and epilepsyResearch has shown MCTs to be beneficial to both the liver and intestines.

Nearly half of the fatty acids in coconut oil are lauric acid. When lauric acid is digested, it creates the monoglyceride monolaurin. Both lauric acid and monolaurin are effective at killing harmful pathogens such as Candida Albicans and Staphylococcus Aureus.
Beyond the above listed health benefits, there is also evidence that consuming coconut oil can aid in weight loss. Another study in lab rats showed a MCTs resulted in a reduction in body fat. MCTs, like coconut oil boost metabolism and can cause reduce hunger. Benefits like these are what have led to the popularity of bullet proof coffee and diet.Among these scientific benefits, there are also uncounted personal testimonials. I’ve compiled the most popular and favorable uses of this tropical oil for you.

50 Uses for Coconut Oil

Household Uses

  1. Cooking– The high smoke point makes this a great all purpose oil.
  2. Baking– Since it is solid at room temperature, it is a great butter substitute for baking.
  3. Instead of Coffee Creamer– Use in place of creamer for flavor and other benefits.
  4. Thicken Smoothies– Since it is solid at room temperature, it is a perfect thickener to your favorite smoothie.
  5. Flavor Popcorn– Opt for coconut oil instead of butter next time you make popcorn.
  6. Make Your Eggs Stay Fresh Longer– Rubbing your the shells of eggs will help the eggs to stay fresh for a longer period of time.
  7. Use like Butter– Since it is a solid until it’s heated, it makes the perfect spread for toast, topping for baked potatoes, and anywhere else you use butter.
  8. Season Cast Iron– I prefer to use coconut oil to season my cast iron skillets and it works great.
  9. Condition Wooden Cutting Boards– To keep your wood cutting boards lasting longer, rub some into a clean, dry cutting board and let it soak it. Buff away any excess.
  10. Polish Furniture and Leather– Just rub on some onto wooden surfaces and leather to give them some shine. Wipe off with a gentle cloth. Be sure to do a test area on your furniture first.
  11. Prevent Dust and Water Spots– Coconut oil tends to repel dust on surfaces. Lightly apply some to areas prone to collecting dust to make dusting a breeze. In addition, wipe faucets with l to keep them shinier and spot free longer.
  12. Unstick a Zipper– This one changed my life more than I thought. Just put a little coconut oil on the offending zipper and watch it glide.

    Personal Uses

  13. Oil Pulling– Coconut oil is used in the practice of oil pulling which promotes oral hygiene, detoxifies the body, and energizes, just to name a few of it’s benefits.
  14. Toothpaste– Since it promotes oral hygiene with it’s anti-bacterial properties, it makes a great toothpaste and teeth whitener. Mix with baking soda and brush.
  15. Moisturizer– Coconut oil is soothing to the skin and can boost collagen production.
  16. Conditioner– Use this as a deep conditioner when your hair needs revitalizing.
  17. Ance Treatment– It is naturally anti-inflammatory and adding it to your skin care routine can improve acne.
  18. Boost Milk Production– Breastfeeding moms have used coconut oil to increase milk supply in conjunction with with a vitamin D supplement.
  19. Soothe Nursing Nipples– Use in place of lanolin to soothe sore nipples.
  20. Prevent Stretch Marks– Apply onto areas prone to stretch marks regularly to help prevent them.
  21. Treat Cradle Cap– Apply coconut oil to the scalp and let sit. Then rinse away with warm water. It can reduce flaking and itching.
  22. Diaper Cream– Just like we used, this delicately moisturizes the skin and it’s naturally anti-bacterial. It also helps to prevent yeast rashes.
  23. Body Scrub– Combine it with sugar or sea salt for a natural body scrub.
  24. Lip Balm– Keep your lips moisturized and protected from the sun. Coconut oil is naturally an SPF 4.
  25. Soften Cuticles– Rub on cuticles to soften and moisturize.
  26. Detangler– Apply to wet hair and comb through to remove tangles.
  27. Tame Frizz– Rub some coconut oil onto your palms or fingertips to smooth frizz and flyaways.
  28. Shaving Cream– This is one of those personal care products I took forever to switch to a less toxic choice. It turns out coconut oil is the perfect natural alternative.
  29. Shine Hair– Rub a small amount of coconut oil in between your palms and then apply to the hair for a beautiful shine.
  30. Natural Deodorant– Many deodorants can be toxic to your health. Do an armpit cleanse and then try a coconut oil deodorant recipe.
  31. Makeup Remover– Wipe off makeup with a cotton ball dipped in liquid coconut oil.
  32. Reduce Age Spots– Just rub onto dark spots to reduce the darkened color over time.
  33. Massage Oil– It is an oil after all, so don’t forget to use it for this purpose. The smell of coconut can also be soothing.
  34. Soothe Sunburn– If you spent to much time in the sun use coconut oil to help relieve a sunburn. Once the burn in no longer hot to the touch, apply as needed until the burn heals.
  35. Bath Oil– Add some coconut oil to your bath to leave your skin moisturized and smooth.
  36. Dilute Essential Oils– Mix some coconut oil with essential oils to apply topically. Please take proper precautions when using essential oils on the skin.
  37. Pick Me Up– If you’re feeling sluggish and need a boost of energy take a tablespoon with a tablespoon of chia seeds to get the boost you need.
  38. Bug Spray– Mix coconut oil and 10 drops of tea tree oil to create a natural bug repellant.
  39. Soothe Bug Bites– Simply dab onto the bitten area.
  40. Soothe a Soar Throat– Take a tablespoon to help coat a sore or scratchy throat.
  41. Reduce Cellulite– Many people claim to see reduced cellulite when they combine dry brushing and regular coconut oil application.

    Health Uses

  42. Soothe Eczema or Psoriasis– Apply just like a lotion to soothe the skin.
  43. Treat Cuts and Scrapes– Since coconut oil is anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-microbial, it is a great choice for putting on minor wounds to help them heal quicker.
  44. Soothe an Irritated Nose– If your nose is dry, red, and irritated from a cold or allergies, dab some coconut oil on the area soothe it and rehydrate the dry skin.
  45. Treat Yeast Infections– As mentioned above, coconut oil actually kills yeast and other infections, such as Candida.
  46. Treat Acid Reflux or Heartburn– Ingesting coconut oil can help soothe the esophagus to relieve heartburn and acid reflux.
  47. Lose Weight– Evidence has shown MCTs, like coconut oil, promote weight loss without changing other factors.
  48. Improve Cholesterol– The properties of coconut oil help boost good cholesterol (HDL).
  49. Balance Hormones– This healthy fat helps support thyroid and adrenal glands. These can lower cortisol and balance hormones naturally.
  50. Prevent Diabetes and Stabilize Blood Sugar– Research has shown MCTs to prevent insulin resistance and the saturated fat in coconut oil actually helped improve blood sugar.                                                                                                                      If this list left you needing to restock your supply of coconut oil, you can find a variety of brands through Thrive Market. They also offer numerous products containing coconut oil so you can reap the benefits even if you aren’t a diy-er.