High Blood pressure is not a mysterious disease.
It’s the body’s defensive mechanism to deal with toxic disturbances in the body.
When arteries get obstructed with plaque, the passageways become narrow, making it difficult for the blood to flow freely and circulate throughout the vessels. The result is what we know as high blood pressure, also referred to as hypertension.
Hypertension is generally precipitated by lifestyle factors such as:
- Obesity (due the over consumption of foodless foods and lifeless drinks)
- Stress
- Smoking
- Toxic Medications
In dealing with high blood pressure, the objective should always be to get to ‘the cause’ of the condition as opposed to treating the symptom itself by popping blood-thinners like “Lipitor”.
These types of drugs fall into a pharmaceutical category known as ‘statins’ and they work by causing the liver to produce cholesterol, thus reducing the amount in the blood stream. The problem is that they’re toxic, they do little to address the underlying cause, and can lead to a host of side-effects, including increased risk of Diabetes, Musculoskeletal Damage and Mental decline.
So how do you solve high blood pressure?
Number one is to eliminate all junk foods from your diet. This includes all processed and refined sugars, energy drinks and sodas, white flours and grains and chemically-laced foods that contain MSG and Aluminium. I would also avoid all blood thinning medicationsand anything that contains ibuprofen, such as Advil and Nuprin.
Also avoid all foods that are high in animal fats and animal cholesterol particularly, processed and smoked meats, pork, bacon, corned beef, chicken livers and anchovies.
Next is to ensure that your diet is rich in high-fibre foods like organic Oats, Brown Rice, Millet as well as plenty of raw fruit and vegetables.
Foods that are dense with Omega-3 Fatty Acids also are important because they make the blood platelets less likely to clump together that can form clots and lead to heart attacks. These foods include Walnuts, Almonds, Pecans and Flaxseed Oil.
Pay particular attention to Calcium-Rich foods like Broccoli, Bok Choy, Beans, Tofu and Soybeans (non GMO). Also, if you have no objection to dairy, choose raw and organic varieties of milk, cheeses and yogurt.
Here are 10 wholefood tips for reducing high blood pressure:
- Drink CABALA Juice (a home-made mix of Carrots, Apples, Beetroot and Lemons) on an empty stomach at least once per day;
- Eat two ripe tomatoes on an empty stomach every day for a month;
- Eat three Apples per day;
- Eat 1-2 cups of Ruby Red Grapefruit sections per day;
- Load up on Garlic as it will help to clear the arteries;
- Lightly steam tofu, add sesame oil and sea salt for a nutritious breakfast;
- During summer, eat watermelon daily or drink fresh watermelon juice;
- Drink tea made from steeped banana peels;
- Drink tea made from buckwheat and lotus roots;
- Eat a soup of fresh corn and white mushrooms regularly;(Cancel # 10, there is NO GOOD CORN)
- Kick up your sea salt intake and drink a minimum of 2 litres of clean water daily.
Finally, as an additional remedy, prepare a blood pressure healing elixir each day with either of these powerful combos:
Juice either of these combinations –
- 1-2 Ruby Grapefruits, ¼ Pineapple, 1 Tsp Flaxseed Oil
- 1-2 cups of Pure Water, ¼ Pineapple, 2 Tbsp Oat Bran, 1 Tbsp Nutritional Yeast, ½ Tsp Flaxseed Oil.
Just remember, that High Blood Pressure is not a mystery.
It’s the force of blood against the arterial walls when the heart beats and rests and this will intensify when there is a build-up of plaque in the arteries which needs to be cleared out.
‘Cowboy’ Don.
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