Tuesday, August 29, 2017


We all know someone who has been affected by cancer. It is the disease of our lifetime, claiming the lives of 7.6 million people a year, worldwide.
It’s scary, and many good people are looking for a sign of hope – especially considering the overall ineffectiveness of conventional treatments.
In walks Chris Wark.
In 2003, at age 26, Chris was diagnosed with advanced metastatic cancer. He was shocked, scared, and confused about what to do next.
After surgery, doctors were quick to prescribe nine or more months of chemotherapy, saying that without it he would probably die within a few years. But something inside Chris made him stop and reconsider. 
He realized: “If my body created this, maybe my body can heal it.”
He then made the hardest choice of his life: he decided to walk away from modern medicine, declining the chemo. 
Instead, Chris immediately began digging for answers, reading everything he could get his hands on that was related to cancer, health, healing, and nutrition. He put together an alternative healing program for himself, and—as you might have guessed—he eventually achieved a huge victory that shocked his doctors.
Chris beat cancer the natural way. 
He’s not alone. Since then, Chris has been educating, coaching, and inspiring hundreds of thousands to do the same, to take their health and well-being into their own hands and the results have been overwhelming. 
After many years of coaching other patients, Chris created SQUARE ONE: Healing Cancer Coaching Program — a FREE ten-week video series — in order to provide a simple and straightforward solution for people working through cancer, and to share his powerful message of hope and healing with as many as he can.
Beginning September 12th, you’ll be able to watch all 10 videos online for FREE.
All you have to do is go to the page below and sign up.  You’ll be notified as soon as the first video is available to watch.

Click here to register for this powerful healing series
Chris will be sharing the exact strategies he used to beat advanced cancer naturally without chemo, strategies that countless others have used to heal from cancer as well. Thousands of people have participated in his program with some inspiring success stories, and I highly recommend it.
Did you know that over 4,600 people are diagnosed every day in the U.S alone? As it stands now, one out of every three people are expected to receive a cancer diagnosis sometime in their lifetime. But together we can change that. This series isn’t just about healing from cancer; it’s also about preventing it. 
If you or a loved one has received a cancer diagnosis, or if you’re serious about prevention, the information in Chris’ program could literally save your life or the life of someone you care about.
Stay curious,
Nick Polizzi
Founder, The Sacred Science

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